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About TheRazec007

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    On the Coast
  1. TheRazec007

    Decrease desire to KOS constantly?

    Frankly, I love the RP servers. I wish there was more RP in official servers. However, I am hesitant when thinking of implementing ways to reduce KOS. While this game is seen as realistic, and for the most part it is, it is also realistic for players to KOS. In a scenario like dayz many players hesitate to kill a player , I was one of those players. I remember when I first started playing , I entered this game with a mindset of " I will not kill unless I have too" and thats me in real life as well. So , I started the game with that mindset. I find myself in Gorka about 50 or so meters west of the town when I hear multiple gunshots. While I am cautious, I was also curious. So I went to investigate. I observed the town and cleared houses searching for the source. I find a small house , door open and multiple bodies. Some where zombie bodies but I find two dead humans. One was inside the house and another was outside. While I was investigating the body inside the house I hear someone outside. I go outside to speak to this person. I make contact and I beging to ask him questions when he launches at me with an axe. I aim my carbine and fire 4 shots fatality wounding him. I felt terrible, however as I kept playing killing did become easier. And I've made contact with "friendly " people when they suddenly pull a gun out of nowhere. So as the game progressed I trusted less and now everyone is hostile until I confirm otherwise. So I understand the suggestion and I like the vomiting on the first kill thing not gonna lie. But recently the devs have changed the way damage is done by bullets , so now it seems you are more likely to be knocked out by a bullet. With that change there should be more chances to RP.