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Raged Ape

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About Raged Ape

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Raged Ape

    Rearmed Admin racism, bullying.

    I will make sure everyone knows about their actions and racism then. And will be contacting Day z owners or support team for further advice just incase something can be done. After all They are using Dayz's platform to make money. It saddens me to see so many in favor of the racism in my journey to hold them accountable.
  2. Good afternoon, I am just looking for advice in regards to how dayz works in regards to the mod community and making money from the game + racism. I play on a server called rearmed who use mods with a app called DZSA Launcher. The owner of this server designful has a mod team who abuse people who do not fit with their rules. They are promoting racism and not dealing with it plus bullying in their servers. A example of this was me sending screenshots of racism against jews in game that a member of their community did, they decided to ban me from their discord completely. I know they make money from donations/subs when people pay for VIP to get into their server fast and dodge the Q, So I am wondering if they also have a duty to deal with these issues fairly. Any advice would be great, and I apologize for my grammar and probably a terrible explanation. Kind regards Ape