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About Deus19D

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  1. Browning Hi-Power (.40 Cal) It's my personal carry pistol and one of my favorite pistols in the world. I disassembles nearly identically to a 1911 (easy cleaning/maintenance) and it fires a caliber that has decent stopping power. And it doesn't have the magazine limitations of a .45 or .50.
  2. I have playing this game since June, and I have NEVER seen NVGs spawn... I have looted the barracks at the NW airfield countless times, including right after server restarts (in an effort to be the first one there). I've looted hundreds of Crashed Heli sites, also to no avail. I'm starting to wonder about the DayZ DB's and the DayZ Wiki's accuracy regarding the spawn rate of these items. Now, I HAVE had a pair ONE time. I found it by happenstance in a tent in the middle/southern part of the map. But, other than that, I can't seem to find them. I am totally frustated, I can and have found pretty much every other item in the game... (Save the Mt. Dew) Oh well, this was mostly just a rant. Feel free to comment if you're so inclined. Good Gaming!
  3. Deus19D


    I did those adjustments. *(Other than GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1; I changed that to 3 and the next line too. Somewhere else someone said this line was related to framerate issues.) And it really does seem better, on a side note, however, my resolution for some reason is phenominal now! I couldn't get resolution this good by turning up all the in-game graphic controls this high. Everything is crisp and clear now, so thanks for all of it!
  4. Deus19D


    Yes! Finally, someone else who is having this problem... I really hope someone can come up with a solution for this! It is frustrating, I've only noticed it when there is a transition from dark to light. Like when coming out of a forest or shadow during the day, or when finding a helicopter crash at night and looking at the muzzle flash of the minigun. (Without NVGs)
  5. Deus19D

    Will ammo now start being valuable?

    Personally, I would like to see ammo separated from magazines. So, you would have to find boxes of ammo and find the proper magazines in order to use your weapon. (As well as having the ammo of a limited nature.)
  6. I've read quite a bit of these posts, and to be honest, I think I'm going to avoid weighing in on my opinions about the matter. But, I do have one question/suggestion regarding nameplates. Has anyone offered the compromise to only show nameplates within a certain distance? Sort of like the glow with chemlights, you would only be able to see them within say 50m. It might offer the best of both worlds, no scanning woodlines for opposing players, but within a reasonable distance you would be able to tell friend from foe. It was just a thought I had. Deus
  7. Deus19D

    Blood bags!!!

    I don't doubt you honestly, but in Iraq I wanted to make sure that I could do just that. Ya know, so if I had a limb blown off or something and a medic couldn't get to me in time I might be able to do it myself. So, during a CLS (Combat Life Saver) recertification I asked to do it myself. So, I gave myself an I.V. (very similar in practice to a transfusion I would gather), it took about an hour to do it under very perfect and sterile conditions. Not saying it's impossible, but I would reckon that most people would NOT be able to do it by themselves. And that is with trained people...
  8. Yeah, it took me a TON of searching, but I finally found a ghillie on the rooftop of the school in Elektro.
  9. Today, a friend and I encountered a group of survivors at the NW airfield. All of these survivors were laying down in the vicinity of the Barracks on the East side of the airfield just north of the firehouse and ATC tower. We noticed them and gave them a warning to leave. When they didn't respond we decided for our safety to assault them (we thought there were only one or two of them). When we approached to neutralize them, there were approx. 7-10 of them all prone, and equiped (after killing them) identically. They all had ONLY a variant of the M-4 that I've never seen before and 6 mags of 30 rnd. STANAG SD. No other gear. As we knew the rifle was in the game surruptitiously, we didn't loot any of the gear. Also, when we hovered over the bodies (when alive and after dead) the name plate said only "survivor". When my buddy and I eliminated them all (they appeared AFK), we didn't increase our kill-counts on either murders or bandits killed. This was on US 241 at approximately 1335 hrs (eastern time). There was nothing lost on our part, so I'm just trying to bring to light what seemed like suspicious behavior. Good Gaming!
  10. Deus19D

    Light Level Going Dark While Running?

    Yeah, I'm having a problem very much like this. The screen flashes (as if you're looking at a lightning bolt) then it fades to dark then slowly goes back into view. This is the ONLY forum thread that I could find on the topic. It would be great to hear if anyone out there has a fix. It kinda appears that it has something to do with getting a change in brightness effects, such as being in shadow and then looking out into a bright field or something. I've tried adjusting gamma and brightness and even tried other options in advanced video. I hope someone can help, as this is crippling during the game, I can't see anything...