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Everything posted by lakevu

  1. Boost last comment September 27th today October 12 (2 weeks, 15 days)
  2. boost last comment September 13, today September 27 (14 days, 2 weeks)
  3. lakevu

    Do the devs actually read this forum?

    id like to start off with saying i appreciate the fully dedicated response here as it shows ambition and actual care for the game. as i know it take effort to make this lengthy of a post nevermind keep it mentally coherent and structured. "who has it all?" i will say that from my experience "having it all" takes about a week. maybe a little longer than that if you dont put in a few hours a night. and coupled with how EASY the game is that curve gets cut even shorter because the zombies arent as difficult as any past performances and other mechanics of the vanilla game make "survival" only challenging for maybe 12 year old children that can plan past 1 town ahead. "If this does NOT interest you... what the hell did you buy DayZ?!?" i would think but this is just my impression from the MOD that it was about engulfing yourself in the EXPERIENCE more than anything. to FEEL the apocalypse. but now all of that has been stripped away to where the only thing worth while left is... PVP. that is the main attraction left to the game as everything else has been simplified so much that only a child and in a blue moon a full grown man can actually insert themselves and enjoy. " the majority of players are only looking for "clash between players" yes this is absolutely true but i dont think it is at the level you think it is. i believe people crave the moral clash. of the good and the evil. to fight and hunt "bandits" in the game. this clash is amazing! as it gives one of the deepest and almost realest connections to any game ever. to actually be able to fight evil in the game. and its actually real people! thats amazing! and i would say at the top of the pyramid to why this game incites such a powerful personal response from people. "only the early game is fun? I don't know ?!? I think only a newbie will have fun with this. 😮" i disagree here. mostly because what the starting point of the game symbolizes is utter chaos. when you start with nothing and you brain is trying to solve all these "problems" at the beginning of the game. it causes a sort of anxiety. a stress to the actual person playing. a stress i would argue that you would think you would feel in the ACTUAL apocalypse. but however this does not last long. the feeling of anxiety. because the game has been slimmed down and easyfied so much that problem 20-30 mins, maybe even less. that chaos is over as food is easy to get, zombies are not a threat and the pvp is so broken and detached from reality you cant even fake you mind into believing that it is close to real. as the only way to achieve honest deep seated anxiety is if the situation is somewhat grounded in reality. that is MAY be real. which i why i argue the early game where you have nothing is the funnest you'll ever have because its the most chaotic part of the game and causes real emotional reactions. id like to close this with one last thing. i believe the idea you have of the game and what you expect of players in the case of this "wipe expectation" is disconnected from the current state of the game and would not be a fully enjoyable experience if taken seriously. because the fact of reality is this. the game has been trimmed down so much that the only "activity" worthwhile in the VANILLA game is... PVP. this is because everything has been boiled down to child level difficulty where the only thing to keep a actual grown adults brain engaged, because it certainly isnt the zombie threat anymore is the fighting against other adult brained people. that is the peak challenge of the game currently because all the other systems have devolved to not be to the level of an adults attention span and engagement. do i think your idea is "possible"? yes. but i think there would NEED to be massive changes to the overall game to make that FEEL congruent to the WHOLE of the game and justify it being that way. especially since the game currently has one main activity which is very short term. PVP. and thats it.
  4. lakevu

    Do the devs actually read this forum?

    come on bro as if duplicating loot is the same as loot being carried over from a loot table change. you know its hard to respect the person you're conversing with when they in turn put in very little effort like that. "some people actually hate it". which is fine but i would argue with the current state of the game and what the gameplay loop is this is irrational as most of the game consists of accumulating loot and making a base and making it so you have basically "survived". and with the current state of the game the timeline to accomplish this is very achievable in a short amount of time which makes the game very unenjoyable to play when there is nothing to strive for. hence why you would need some sort of long term goal whihc goes for an extended period of time to justify such a wipe cycle. which the game is currently not accommodating. and no the longterm goal doesnt sound feasible "right now" because of current technology. or maybe it is. i dont know. but i dont really care at this point what the devs want because it seems all they want is to get every player they can all the way to the cradle to buy this game and they are willing to smooth down every edge and pacify every difficulty the game once had to do it. so i dont care what they want because it seems to be inconsistent with what dayz is at its core to begin with. to be a HARDCORE zombie survival SIMULATOR. thats how it started and thats how it was and IS meant to be.
  5. lakevu

    Do the devs actually read this forum?

    this "accumulation of wealth" i think should not even be thought about. who cares? the wipe is not anywhere near about "fairness of wealth" or whatever bullshit that is. the servers wipe because a fresh start is.... fun. its fun to have a fresh world and have to climb that ladder again. and because there is no substitute for this climb, yet. but i dont know what it could be. it would have to be extremely long term goal. like eradicating the map of zombies or finding a cure or some type of story in game to follow. then this is the loop we have to account for is "the game". which makes no sense to have servers that never wipe and so forth because that takes away from the very biggest part of the game and the enjoyment of it. which. unfortunately. has to happen to keep the game fun
  6. lakevu

    Do the devs actually read this forum?

    i thought about this as i thought it was interesting. but sadly i dont think the current game is compatible with that amount of length where there is little other activities to hold the attention of survivors after they have accumulated so much wealth that survival becomes less than a after thought. however i can imagine this being more congruent with the game if it had much much more depth to it. with missions and Ai bandits roaming and other things where the world is much more "in depth" than what is currently available. in time. but i dont see this length of time synonymous with the current depth of the game.
  7. lakevu

    Do the devs actually read this forum?

    i see what you are saying doesnt vanilla follow a much longer wipe schedule? like every 3 months or something? or every update? i do believe it is very long term. but when it comes to private servers i would say its up to the discretion of the owners and how long they want to go. nevermind what type of stress that causes the server having that many things for that long...
  8. absolutely. this is why i say the vanilla game is so important because it sets the STANDARD for the rest of the game. and what everybody has for a baseline experience for the game. it is the STANDARD of the game.
  9. while i do like the comment i always hate when there is like 6 different topics that are brought up instead of keeping it concise because my reply has to be 4x longer to refute every single point effectively which does not lead to good discussion but throwing out random detached abstractions in an incoherent order. but to touch on the big ones i saw. I think you make a good point about "if people wanted hardcore they would add it to servers". this is true but i think the game as a whole feels entirely off when you change that one thing alone (gunplay). because when you mix the movement system with those mods its does not feel right. because they are two different standards clashing against eachother. you cant have a mod make you have super realistic recoil and guns but then have your character not have input delays on movement and no turn speed limiter. it is just jarring and you can feel there is clash in the system. unsynchronized with itself. which is why I stated you must start with the movement first. MOVEMENT MAKES THE GAME. and after that it effects gunplay and how that should act. so in short i can understand why servers arent adding it because it doesnt feel right because of other parts of the game. and as for the console player comments. i do believe it is the source of why the game is the way it is. in an ideal world it wouldn't but thats just not reality. they had to come up with a version for both console and pc when .63 came out to sell on both. that means you have to have one product at the lowest common denominator. that lowest bar being console. ideally this wouldnt be so that this game would demand two different versions. console and pc. but apparently, we dont work by ideals here. so the pc must suffer for the sake of console.
  10. lakevu

    Do the devs actually read this forum?

    that is absolutely true. but what is important is if that HATE is based on the identity of the game or it isnt. and if those people hate the change and their reasoning is not based on the games identity. then their outrage is null and void and does not matter. if the change is congruent to the games identity then there is no reason to hate it. otherwise the hate is not based on the identity of the game and just blind personal whims. not actual objective understanding of what the game IS and what it SHOULD BE. like seriously think of one change that if it was congruent to the games identity would be met with hate?
  11. lakevu

    Do the devs actually read this forum?

    one key word here is "authentic" this implies many things especially how the character SHOULD move and how guns SHOULD act. authentically. both of which are completely unauthentic and are merely arcade. like seriously can you tell me that having the crosshair locked to the center of the screen instead of it tracking the end of the barrel like it did before is "authentic"? i dont think so. i believe "authentic" is also used in place of realistic. a word Dean himself was said to want to achieve as a synonym to realism. and nothing about the current game, or very littel parts of it, are realistic anymore. its arcade. degraded. and devolved for the sake of children
  12. lakevu

    Do the devs actually read this forum?

    not necessarily true. as long as the change is in line with the games IDENTITY or WHAT IT IS. then it would not be upsetting the key is to hear people and analyze whether what they are mad about is actually congruent with the IDENTITY of the game. if its people angry about mechanics not emulating shooters with twitch mechanics and they are mad. they dont matter. because they have no foundation to stand on as that is not what dayz IS. and thus can be disregarded
  13. in regards to your "walking while hitting" comment. that is an interesting one that i havent thought of yet. but i think inherently in the system with holding right click to raise fists does not allow this. i think it is just impossible with the current system. not that this is a bad thing just a fact of reality that you cant have both when you have that feature vs when you have, press spacebar, to always keep fists up. you just cant have both. atleast with the running part. im not sure if you can change stances and such while doing it. but yes i will say some of the things we get are pretty cool. but that doesnt change the fact that they are completely undermined by being put on top of a foundation that is working against it and undermining it. aka the movement and gunplay. you can add whatever cool features like car bombs you want but that wont change the fact the pillars of the game it is built on are still garbage. thus you just have garbage with cool things in it.
  14. lakevu

    Do the devs actually read this forum?

    my favorite part is when guns shoot but its doesnt even move and just the end of the barrel seems to snap up and down. like it wiggles up and down in front of you but the gun stays locked to your screen and doesnt move. its hilarious!
  15. lakevu

    Do the devs actually read this forum?

    for a little context. dayz standalone when it released in 2013 sold 1 million copies in the first month, 2 million in 4 months. the market spoke and people. millions of people bought the game knowing it was hard. because that was and IS its identity. and they bought it because thats exactly what they wanted and wanted more of it. but to change the foundational mechanics of the game to the baby like mechanics we have now and usher in a completely new audience of people that want those baby like experiences and claim "look how big the game is! wow isnt it doing great!" without thinking that it might be different type of people being attracted is crazy. so to give this reason of "do you think the game would be big now because of the changes" is just ridiculous. the game was already big! and it dropped the ball when it first came out and failed expectations. because it was garbage and failed to provide even a fraction of content the mod did. so sure the player base got "bigger" but with what kind of people? adults? or children? dayz has become as big as it is right now because it now caters to the braindead. simple minded, children that dont care about the deep experience the game was before. all they care about is a big map and zombies and people to kill. not to be a surreal survival simulation but just to be a shooter. cod with a bigger map and yes you are right. you can not make everyone happy. when you make a game for everyone. you make a game for no one. and in this case "making a game for everyone" meant lowering the bar of difficulty so low to attract every person possible even at the cost of not having integrity to what the game even stands for. or STOOD for to begin with. there is no conflict here! millions of people bought the game in 2013 when it first released with the expectation of it being hard and millions of people will return when it comes back to being hard! the only thing that will be lost is all these children that think quickscoping with a mosin to take away everything a man has worked for ingame for hours is an actual level of achievement and think they deserve it. and have a meltdown when their gun isnt acting like a lazer beam on their screen where they actually have to have some skill and knowledge to play the game. besides pointing the center of their screen on the target and left clicking.
  16. absolutely. i am not saying i hate everything about the current game. many things ARE better. such as the melee system in its current form has the POTENTIAL to be better than it was in every single way. but like you said it is missing fundamental things that the old system had beyond that it "looks" better. it just seems that when new things are added that seems to be "good enough" instead of taking the time to perfect the system and make it the best it CAN be. its just simply "check marked" off the list. lacking any sort of depth to what is needed to make it great. like why is that i have to be walking backwards to defend? why cant i defend from a standstill?? etc etc.
  17. boost last comment august 24th, today is September 7th (14 days, 2 weeks)
  18. lakevu

    Do the devs actually read this forum?

    i am not saying adam is a bad guy or that he lacks passion for "something". but just because you are passionate about chemistry does not mean you understand the fundamentals of chemistry. if you get my analogy. this does not change my current analysis of him that he takes the tools he is given and creates on top of that. not having to question the deeper things that made those tools possible. like movement mechanics, gunplay mechanics, rendering technology that massively effects the overall aesthetic of the game. all questions you never need to ask when you just take what you are given and make a map and story to go with it. things that are far deeper than that and set the groundwork for you to do anything. and once again if this isnt true and he does have a deep understanding of the game why have we not seen massive overalls of these systems in 5 years? as they are massively incongruent to how the game SHOULD be. unless you lack the understanding to question those things and cant conceive of how they may be conflicting with the overall experience of the game? but then again apparently adam isnt even in charge but yet we talk of him like he is. so who is really at fault here? is it adam or the "other people" who dont understand it and he does?
  19. lakevu

    Do the devs actually read this forum?

    this my friend is the virtue of integrity. the pursuit of keeping something 100% whole and uncontradictory with itself.
  20. lakevu

    Do the devs actually read this forum?

    i agree. but what allowed this? how is this allowed to continue to happen without outrage? because dayz lacks a firm understanding of its own identity and what "it" really is. and because of that it is allowed to get away with casualizing gameplay and arcadizing the game because nobody made the argument and proved it that dayz is a hardcore zombie survival simulator. not a shooter. if dayz had a more concrete identity of what it IS then it would be irrefutable and undeniable that these choices are not what SHOULD be.
  21. lakevu

    Do the devs actually read this forum?

    what makes me think this is i have spent alot of time analyzing the game. specifically the mod and what made it the lightning in the bottle that it was. and then compared it to the current version we have now to see what exactly went off the tracks. and why it is not inspiring the same reaction that it once did. and im not saying "i am the one" who truly, 100% understands the game and every facet there is. because i dont. there are still things i dont fully understand. but i am saying that i do believe i have a better understanding than what seems most people of what "dayz" actually "is". beyond whats seems to be "dayz is just chernarus + zombies" and thats as deep as the understanding gets. and no. i know they dont understand because i can see their actions and the things they create. from the trailers that are put out to the changes made in game. and if i am to judge by actions. these actions do not show me a deep understanding of the games identity and what it "is". like for example lets look at the 1.20 trailer with the couple. this is the stupidest thing ive ever seen come from this game and is detached of any sense of reality or seriousness. now compare that to dayz standalones first ever early access trailer where at the end the lady shoots herself next to what i can assume to be her boyfriend underneath a tree. that is serious. that is what dayz is. and that is the type of video 1.20 should have been about. that lady succumbing to the perils of the apocalypse with her lover. not some stupid video that could be confused for a rap music video. and look at the game itself. its been 5 years since .63 release. why does the game still have arcade like mechanics and controls for its movement and gunplay more reminiscent of cod than of a simulation? why is my gun locked to the center of screen when aiming instead of disconnected and free floating like it use to be? why is there still no turn speed limiter on my character so i cant just do 720's at the flick of my wrist? why can i spam left right left right with minimal input delay in between so my guy looks like a coked out jack rabit when he moves back and forth looking like a spaz. so yes when looking at the teams actual actions and not intents. cause we can only judge actions and not intents right? outcomes not intentions. i am confident to say these people dont understand what this game really is. and i would also be confident in betting that that understanding doesnt go much deeper than "chernarus + zombies = dayz"
  22. lakevu

    Do the devs actually read this forum?

    this seems to be the answer i keep getting. that its not just adam. so then it is impossible for me to say whether he truly understands the game and accurately evaluate him or he is being handcuffed and held back by other people, who dont understand, that he must concede to and compromise with diluting the integrity of the game.
  23. lakevu

    Do the devs actually read this forum?

    i understand who adam is and what he has done but i am skeptical to the level of understanding he has about what exactly "IS" DAYZ not namalsk. or whether he truly knows the factors from Arma 2 mod that made it the basically the lightning in the bottle that it was. and seemingly has never been able to be created again only to lesser, incomplete, unimpressive forms by comparison. because from what ive seen both in arma 2 and now. is that he basically takes the fundamentals he is given and builds on top of it. and because of this i am skeptical whether he has even considered the deeper mechanics of the game. things like movement mechanics, gunplay mechanics and aesthetical mechanics like post processing effects. but again i as far as i am aware adam is in charge but is this true? or is there somebody above him influencing his decisions and only giving him a leash of what he can and cant do. because that would also make alot of sense to me why the game is in the shape it is today. but i can never know if adam is the problem or whether somebody above him is the problem not letting him do things
  24. lakevu

    Do the devs actually read this forum?

    i understand the division of labor here but still the principle is the same. nothing? not even a casual post here or there? absolutely nothing? I would doubt to say that dean or matt would have taken it that far and would have interacted themselves to some degree. but i think the root source is the passion is gone. i dont see the same level of passion as dean and matt had from these people. because if they did that is the sort of actions that manifested because of passion.
  25. lakevu

    Do the devs actually read this forum?

    but is that really the source they came from? it would be nice if they interacted with us like normal people so that we know if it is actually us making a difference or its just blind luck they add something we happen to bring up