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About lakevu

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  1. kind of an early celebration dont you think? you havent even seen what their going to do or whether its even good or not. for all we know they just bump up the recoil values by 5% and call it a day. which is no way even CLOSE to the real issues causing this experience. and seeing as the game has to be in symbiosis or symmetry with the console version of the game i cant see how anything of great substance will change or what needs to be done because it is inherently unfeasible with the metaphysical fact of using a controller. on top of that i made this post 3-4 years ago. so to think i had anything to do with this and they actually read this forum. which they've said they dont. is highly unlikely. otherwise they would have done it YEARS AGO. what is more likely is they've run out of ideas over there and are scrambling to justify still working on the game while "tweaking" by basically changing nothing. long live the idea and experience that was dayz! who is john galt?
  2. these people know whats going on. i find it impossible that some one like sumrak doesnt see whats going on with the game. especially anyone else there that actually played the previous versions of the game. its a volitional choice to do this to the game. to dumb it down to get the "easy" players into the game. you know the ones. the ones who dont like to think too hard and just want to run around and kill people with little effort quickscoping people with mosins Q. E spamming. jumping around everywhere when shot at. honestly. at this point. i dont care. i hope they run the game into the ground from catering to the kiddies so another company creates a game that is actually authentic apocalypse like arma 2 was and .62 attempted to be and puts them out of business for shilling out the game for children who is john galt?
  3. lakevu

    Zombies should eat you again like they used to

    zombies use to eat players in the mod and then briefly in the .62 standalone. hell in the mod the zombies were even munching on uncon players
  4. lakevu

    Zombies should eat you again like they used to

  5. lakevu

    Do the devs actually read this forum?

    i agree. i find it hard to imagine anyone who was actually playing the game would put up with these things and wouldnt see this. which makes me think these people just make things for the game without actually playing it and feeling it. which is not a good disconnect to have when creating ANY product. but the difference between zombie and infected is an important one because both inspire COMPLETELY DIFFERENT contexts that plays in our minds while experiencing the game. "Zombie" has a very specific image that goes along with it. an undead or human looking creature which EATS people and devours their flesh. a "infected" could be anything depending on the rules of the world. are they just angry with "rage" where they dont eat people? what are the rules? there is NOBODY in their right mind that has heard of dayz or even knows it that wouldnt say "oh dayz? you mean that ZOMBIE game?" and to have a comeback to this saying "well their wrong" is to amount to saying there is a MASS psychosis on the world of incorrectly identifying this game despite the plethora of media and such that has been created for it inspiring this image. which is even more insane to think is true.
  6. lakevu

    Do the devs actually read this forum?

    just as a little addition i want to ILLUMINATE who the type of people they are destroying the game for and shallowing out the experience to cater to. this is a conversation i had with a person about why they didnt want a mod (legacygunplay) added that made the gunplay less point and click and more surreal and interesting. this is what they said "Maybe it could be tuned to something I'd tolerate but I honestly would guess it would be just that. Something I'd TOLERATE. I wouldn't like it, I'd probably chose to play somewhere that didn't have it. Because like I said earlier I'm getting old and you know what I hate more than getting flicked on by some kid? Change, I hate change, I don't want to change, I don't want to get the feel for something new. I want to play the game as I already like it. (edited) August 3, 2024 these are the people and their "mindset" to why the game is "OK" to be shunted and shallowed out to be easier. because they HATE change. and they dont want to try. they would rather tolerate being flicked on by a kid instead of having a system that doesnt allow them to be "flicked" at all. laziness. completely lazy people is what this product is being made to cater to. people who dont want to "change" and dont want to try and just want cheap enjoyment.
  7. lakevu

    Do the devs actually read this forum?

    i see dayz. in it first form was tied to arma 2. arma 2 IS a simulation game. just look at the steam page and it uses the word several times in not only its genre but its tags used on the product and even the product description. dayz mod was an ATTACHMENT to this foundation. so by connection dayz HAS TO BE a simulation game in its founding and its initial identity because that is what gave rise to it in the beginning. THAT IS what created its identity and game rise to the game. that ARMA 2 foundation of hardcore surreal simulation. without that foundation you have no dayz. and this argument of "theres no zombies in dayz" is the most ANNOYING argument ive ever heard. nobody. when they hear or even think "dayz" thinks "oh yeah day zero? yeah i know that". no. anyone literally anyone you ask would say "oh yeah that ZOMBIE game?". its a zombie game. thats what its known as and that is what it is. you can alter the facts about WHAT KIND of zombies they are. whether their undead or just infected but in the mod initial creation they ATE people. they had an animation that they ate players when they died or were uncon. something seemingly missing from the game entirely at this point. just looking at the steam page quickly the game even has the tag "simulation". anyways. anything i have to say hardly matters because the logic of the situation is that who ever is "in charge" of dayz right now does not give a crap about what it is or what it SHOULD be. all their thinking is IM IN CHARGE and i can basically do what ever i want within a very vague set of guildlines. those guilde lines being "chernarus+ eating food+ zombies= dayz". thats it. and they'll do anything to chop down the experience to get more people in the door as long as those are the only requirements met. because its not about sticking to what it actually is its about making it whatever that person in charge wants it to be. and shilling. thats it. the only hope i have for this game to return to the monumental experience it is capable of being is to get common people like you and myself to shun these people because its seems the only thing they care about in making decisions is not the truth but that the crowd wants. ive seen it already with the 1.16 update or whatever it was where everyone shouted at them for not fixing the hand bug the most egregious one of all in an update only dedicated to bug fixing. and guess what they did because there was a mob of people? not because they were right but just simply because there were enough of them. completely ridiculous.
  8. I've been trying to contact bohemia through the "contact us" for 3 weeks now and have heard nothing and i had a question about server monetization.
  9. lakevu

    The game has become more of a shooter than a survival game

  10. true. and yes i do find this quite interesting there has been no comment on this
  11. how about your thoughts
  12. boost last comment may 21st today is june 4th (14 days, 2 weeks)
  13. lakevu

    DayZ | +30 QoL suggestions | Part 6

    while i do thoroughly enjoy these posts one has to wonder. what is important? what is essential and non-essential to the overall experience of the game? what are the real core pillars that effect the meat of the experience while inside the game? to which the answer to this IS the movement and gunplay of the game. which sets the standard for the expectation of HOW DEEP the overall experience is meant to be. I mean really think about, if the underlying mechanics of the game are telling you that this is not real and this is arcade why would you ever want to add many of these things that seemingly contradict that feeling and throw the game into a deep sense of disconnect between the world and the way you move around in it? for example, why would the smoke grenades making people cough be added when the gunfights are over in seconds with little to no drawn out strategy when you can instantly fly up a flight of stairs and rush them and spray them? and more importantly why do i care about the advancement of sustaining my butane stove gas tanks when my life dies so quickly? with people putting me down with little to no effort because of the point and click gunplay making any struggle i go through to fill my butane container seem absurd to go through when life comes and goes so quickly. what is important? what sets the standard of the game? to which the answer is movement and gunplay. and once THESE THINGS can first be changed all of the other suggestions here you make will follow. because it will become self evident when the standard is right that certain things SHOULD or SHOULD NOT be there. and that a game can only strive to be as authentic as the standard of its movement and gunplay mechanics allows. an arcade shooter does not attract simulation mechanics. just as a simulation shooter does not attract arcade mechanics. because they are incongruent with eachother. the only difference is the standard
  14. lakevu

    Add a turn cap to weapons

    if you want to hop on the change train for things like this i recommend you scrolling down to a post below this one titled "dayz's flawed foundations: movement and gunplay" where it very much encapsulates things like this one. its going to be much easier to advocate for this change if there is one comprehensive post like the one i made and people add their support and sharing of that one. give it a look if its something you find correct