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Tiago Schauble

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About Tiago Schauble

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    On the Coast

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  1. Tiago Schauble

    Stable Update 1.15

    yehh one million five hundred thousand mods for this... managed to end up as vanilla HC.. congratulations 8 peopleTime negative qi you can be full ghille and suppressor a novice will know where you shoot from
  2. Tiago Schauble

    Stable Update 1.15

    UI indicator when being hit now you turn the suppressor into something useless Gz...
  3. Tiago Schauble

    Debate on hit markers

    there's a million mods for that, don't destroy vannila's immersion what would be the next step to remove the night? make night vision useless too? like they did with suppressor.
  4. Tiago Schauble

    Tell me team DaeasyZ

    sorry i can't stand to see someone kindly convention me what the purpose of camouflage and suppressor is with addition of hit directional. i only play official vannilla i like HC you guys ruin everything there are already thousands of mods for community servers and even so it continues with this existence in sinking my vanilla