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Everything posted by Lyxavier

  1. Lyxavier

    Experimental Update 1.18 (Change Log)

    From what it looks like, this is a horrendous balance change the way it is. I will accept the base builders crying, vocally, and that pushing a change. But twelve grenades for a single wall is beyond stupid. The "balance" really feels like it only takes into account people that put a single wall in a shed and call it a day, this would be fine. However, when you come across a base that fills an entire appartment block, even with 5 grenades to destroy, it would require tens of grenades, a figure probally around 50-60. Your changes does not account scaling, at all. If you have to say I need 40 grenades+plastic to get into a base, thats over the top. 6-7 grenades would seem fine and keep them happy, but the plastic needs to break wood, when the CLE kicks in it will be rare enough.
  2. Lyxavier

    1.15 Experimental Release

    Don’t agree with the directional hit markers, you have enough feedback through sound. It’s simply not the game for that to be added.