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About KoS_Girth

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I just don't see how the base building is so basic and minimal. Like there should be hatches for the watchtowers. Should be able to close off a watch tower. Create a foundation so you can build without spending hours trying every angle because of a slight slope. 95% of the chernaraus map outside of cities and buildings is unable to be built on.
  2. I play community. I'm not into modding/modded servers.
  3. Love the game, been playing since release on Xbox. I've got so many people into this game. Why why why are we adding more weapons when you are still unable to build a base unless it's in a house, barn or city. You will spend days trying to get a base to connect/close building in the woods. So frustrating to spend all that time collecting materials and building/rebuilding just to not be able to. Even though no slope exists. Smh