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About Dimastiy

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  1. Dimastiy

    Suggestion - Acquisition of clothing

    also, i guess it should be moved to a suggestion forum
  2. Dimastiy

    Suggestion - Acquisition of clothing

    Zombies have cool rags, if player can wear them it will be cool, look like a zombie :D P.S. More customization, not only military s***t
  3. Dimastiy

    Medical Question

    Yeah, it's just past, i thought i will die soon, but all ok for now ) (i have full health when i got a sick, maybe this is the reason) Another question, is there any difference between running and standing while i want to regenerate my health ? Thanks.
  4. Dimastiy

    Medical Question

    My sickness go away without any medicine right now, but im grey. You said you need to have full stomach, is it full if there are no messages about food and drink ?
  5. Dimastiy

    Bugs, Bugs!

    Same here, on every server.