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About Spartan36

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  1. Spartan36

    PvP doesn't exist

    Eh, my only concern for this mod, is that some people play this game ONLY for the PvP. Which is, in my opinion.. Kind of stupid. If it's only for the PvP, just go play single player, it's just as fun as gun fights. Either that, or leave the ArmA 2 community, that has been infested with complete dicks.. Compared to the old ArmA 2 community, who was mostly tactical, fun, and teamworking people. People can argue that it's for survival... But honestly, I don't think shooting an unarmed survivor, with absolutely nothing on him but a backpack and a flashlight, is called survival. The only solution for calming down PvP, is to make the zombies, so absolutely terrifying, and overpowered, that it will FORCE players to have to work together. Cause right now, the mod being in Alpha, and just the ArmA 2 engine itself.. The zombies are too much of a joke to have to worry about.
  2. Spartan36

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    HAHAH! Love how these hackers are put to shame publicly :) They're so stupid.. Honestly, if you're going to hack, you should "generate" weapons that are actually in DayZ, not ones that are forbidden ahahaha! So hilarious!
  3. Spartan36

    To the Lovely member of DES at NY68

    If I was in your situation right now, I'd just stop posting :) The fact that I watched this video after I read all the posts.. It is so satisfying, because you act like such a child!
  4. Spartan36

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    Here's the deal guys. This mod is in Alpha. The issue is probably going to be here for a little while longer. Needs time. It will be fixed eventually, considering he's already trying to fix it now with recent patches. He can't please everyone.
  5. Spartan36

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    I feel your pain. I agree with this completely... If infected are able to break bones, make it to where they break your ARMS to affect your aiming, not break your legs! Especially when we don't spawn with morphine. It just doesn't make sense.. If a zombie attacks you in a zombie apocalypse.. They aren't gonna say.. "OOO YUMMY LEGS!!!" -tackles the hell out of you and breaks your leg in half, eating the various arteries and veins out of your legs-.... They go "OOOO BRAINS!!!! FLESH!!" -whack in the upper body/face, taking out the most important stuff, so that they can work their way down-
  6. Spartan36

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Well... It is Russia.
  7. I honestly wish this thread wouldn't have turned into an argument between a player and someone of higher authority. If it's possible... Would it be alright for you guys to delete the posts that contain the arguments and drama? I would rather it stick as a discussion thread, no need for people to read through all of that, it just wastes their time.
  8. My whole point of this thread was to raise concerns about admins abusing their powers. Not trolling against each other. I apologize for putting this in the wrong topic, I was finishing reading a thread in this topic, forgot to switch it. No point in using that fact against me, considering it was an accident. Also, I was not targeting the forum moderators. However, I believe if they are given the right to be a forum moderator, I think that they also have the right to contact the DayZ team quicker than any of us, and have a higher influence than the rest of us regular players. Therefore, I think it would be useful if the moderators could find these issues, and at least make an effort to raise concerns to the DayZ team, rather than blow them aside, like in the link in my introduction post. Does it not concern you guys, (DayZ staff) that ironically... On A LOT of servers, the server restarts when someone happens to kill a big group of a clan that owns the server, or destroys the camp? I've had a problem with the Dallas 1 server as well, which is why I wanted to raise the subject to awareness. What's being done is being overlooked, is all I'm saying. I understand that you all are busy with updating the mod, making it better and better every day. I am thankful for that. However, I don't think that it is very fair to use that as an excuse, as to why nothing is even being done about this. This can eventually become a serious issue. If admins think they can get away with this, it will never stop. And the fact that you guys are asking for such PRECISE evidence, makes it even harder for us to help you guys catch these people. There are quite a few people who have had the same issue, so I don't see why the actual evidence itself is so crucial, in AT LEAST looking into the issue. Just the fact by itself, that the server restarts happen EXACTLY right after something goes wrong for them, that should be a clue that something is fishy. That's all I'm going to say though. Seems like things are getting a little bit on the defensive side.
  9. Spartan36

    Kicking of Players for Clan members

    I don't think you guys are understanding this. The servers that these guys are paying for, have PERMISSION and are PRIVELAGED by the DayZ team to play the game mode on that server. Also, it is used on the team's database. Even if the admins still have the right do what they want on the server.. THEY STILL SHOULDN'T DO IT!! It's unfair to restart the whole server just because they were stupid, and lost all of their stuff. They should still play the game like the rest of us. Work for their gear. And not WHINE like little kids, and just restart the server like nothing happened. They need to work for their gear like the rest of us. THAT is why there are rules for this game mode. So much can be abused.
  10. So I've been looking through some forums in this topic thread lately, and I've notice some things that I'm not liking. Forum moderators are either ignoring, or not wanting to deal with admin abuse. Here is some proof that an obvious case of admin abuse is being sidestepped. The moderator is just not wanting to believe it, even with screenshots. I mean the guy is turning on his own CLAN MATES to report this. Notice how the thread is closed too. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=11288&page=7&highlight=Dallas+1 This sort of admin abuse is, in my opinion, an extreme exploit. They have the option to roll back their servers, to gain the stuff back that they lost when someone found their camp, or when they die, when the rest of us have to just deal with it? To me that is not fair at all. Even if they do own a server, they should be playing by the same rules as the rest of us. If exploiting is bannable for everyone else, why not them? They're breaking rules for hosting servers, that were set by Rocket, and yet nothing is being done. Apparently, from the thread linked above... Banning someone who steals your loot, is fine and dandy. Any explanations?