I just started getting into modding. I am following the official guide. Wrote this mod:
modded class PlayerBase
override void OnJumpStart()
Print("My first mod, yay!");
Also, following to the official guide, I created a single player game in init.c
Mission CreateCustomMission(string path)
return new MissionGameplay();
void main()
PlayerBase player;
ItemBase item;
player = PlayerBase.Cast((GetGame().CreatePlayer(NULL, "SurvivorF_Linda", "2200 10 2200", 0, "NONE")));
item = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("TShirt_Black");
GetGame().SelectPlayer(NULL, player);
I launch the game with the help of a .bat file:
start DayZDiag_x64.exe "-mod=D:\MyServer\Mods@FirstMod" "-mission=./missions/firstMission.ChernarusPlus" -nosplash -noPause -noBenchmark -filePatching -doLogs -scriptDebug=true
After starting I jumped a few times then exit the game.
I open the log file and can`t see my messages there.
During few days I try fix it but no result. My mod doesn't work.
What am I doing wrong?