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Posts posted by DeadlySwordz-b70566da7a1b3854

  1. Greenhell Namalsk Survival

    Hello! Nice to meet you all!

    Tired of waiting in long queues on other servers? Looking for a harder experience and a different take on Namalsk than whats already out there? Well look no further!

    For those that aren't aware of our community. We are the community that brought you one of the very first dinosaur (if not the actual first(?), experiences know as "Raptor Island." An adaptation of the Stuart Island map. It was greatly accepted by the community which motivated us to make another dino experience on a bigger map. A year later we launched our 2nd dino experience known to everyone as "Blackpool," an adaptation of the Iztek map.

    Now after months of work on our Namalsk adaptation (nope no dinos this time hah!). But if you know our reputation and what we're capable of, this is an experience you'll not want to miss! As they say, "If you've played Namalsk, you've played them all, until you've played Greenhell Namalsk!"

    Server info :

    Greenhell Namalsk Survival (1PP / Hardcore)

    Check out our trailer :


    Join us on discord : https://discord.gg/wvucnWrZ6m

    Our website : http://www.greenhell.com/dayz/

    Hope to see you all there! And remember, "Play, don't queue!"


    With content update 3 on the way and to celebrate the one year anniversary since the release of Namalsk, we've decided to dust off our very own Greenhell Namalsk server and bring it back online! We've added a few interesting mods to the list but still keeping it hardcore :

    - LegacyGunplay

    - WalkinDeadZombies

    - GoreZ

    Join the discord via the original post above!

  3. Greenhell DayZ Hardcore Survival

    Hello Everyone! Nice to meet you all!

    Our community at GREENHELL keeps growing daily! I invite you all to come and be a part of this community that will continue to grow!

    We aim to provide a well-balanced vanilla+ hardcore DayZ experience, lightly modded, 1PP, with a strong focus on player progression. The management of this server will be highly player-driven. The active player base decides the direction for further development.

    Also, with content update 3 on the way, we've decided to dust off our very own Greenhell Namalsk server and bring it back online!

    Raptor Island is an idea we thought about recently. We consider it a soft launch, but anyone is welcomed to play on it. Let us know what you think!

    Servers :

    • Greenhell Banov Survival (1PP / Vanilla+)     
    • Greenhell Namalsk Hardcore Survival (1PP / Vanilla+)    
    • Greenhell Iztek (1PP / No Bases)   
    • Greenhell Raptor Island (1PP / Raptors)

    This community was built around having an alternative for NA players to play on, instead of waiting in long queues elsewhere. Let's be real. There isn't really many NA hardcore communities out there in general. Or the ones available, EU included, have long queues, die down during NA night time or are overly modded, are labeled hardcore, when in fact they have loot everywhere and start you off with the heat buff like on Namalsk.

    As why I'm pushing this, so all the DayZ community have somewhere else to play in a hardcore/vanilla environment. Let's all work together and keep pushing this community forward! Tell your friends, discord communities, twitch friends, twitter friends! Admin is open to player feedback as well and there is ongoing adjustements!

    Our new website is up and running! Check it out! http://greenhell.com/dayz/

    Search for Greenhell in your launchers. Join us on discord : https://discord.com/invite/UnzrxUV8JE
