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About XxMiAoZxX

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. XxMiAoZxX

    0x00040073 fix ? please ?

    removed mods deleted folders deleted game formatted used 3 launchers first the normal launcher then the dayzsa launcher the the magic launcher nothing is working, even done direct join through ip address
  2. XxMiAoZxX

    0x00040073 fix ? please ?

    iv repaired all the mods verified all the mods tried 3 different launchers installed dayz 3 times same with the mods and nothing is working i have even formatted and still nothing but yet about a week a go everything was working fine and outa no where dayz just doesn't want to join any modded server
  3. XxMiAoZxX

    0x00040073 fix ? please ?

    can anyone please assist me! iv been trying for 4 days now with this issue 0x00040073 uninstalling, reinstalling unsubscribing resubscribing and even formatted and i cant get it fixed at all, i just want to join modded servers but i cant can help :/ would really appreciate it! https://imgur.com/mnwN8wW