Name: Robert Location: EU, GMT +1 timezone Preferred Game Type: Sniper/Spotter ( but I can adapt to any role ) Age: 18 I started playing 2 months ago, but I have also played a lot of other FPS. Currently I'm playing with 2 friends, who are also posting applications on this thread. We all died today because of hackers, who killed us with laser rifles ( didn't even know you can hack that in ). Before my character was alive for around 50 days and I had 20 kills ( most of them up north ). We like to hunt other bandit/survivor groups especially if we're outnumbered. I also know how to fly a heli :) Friends: Sphinx03 an Simun27 Skype and Steam name: kumerle95 I also have great headset and TS3. We all speak English very well, and like to have fun, but we're serious when necessary. Add me on skype to chat :)