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Everything posted by 1brainfix

  1. Does anyone have experience on wiping server economy without ppl bases and their cars? I just want to know: is that even possible and where can I find more info on how to do it?
  2. 1brainfix

    Hunger meter hasn't changed in 2 days

    I just reinstall whole server, now it works
  3. So I've been playing on my server.I spawn in, eat 3-4 cans of food drinked 3 bottles of water and my hunger has not dropped since. Although I see the arrows indicating it is going down, the icon doesn't update and remains full. Is this a known bug or is there something i'm missing? Thanks in advance if anyone has any idea whats going on. I'm afraid if I keep playing my character is just going to keel over and die randomly due to me not seeing my hunger properly displayed.
  4. 1brainfix

    EXPANSION SpawnSettings.json

    So im trying to modify starting gear on my new DayZ server. I was trying to play with this code but it gives me error on line Error: Parse error on line 365: ...} ], }, "SpawnHealthVa ---------------------^ Expecting 'STRING', got '} My SpawnSettings.json is { "m_Version": 2, "StartingClothing": { "EnableCustomClothing": 1, "SetRandomHealth": 1, "Headgear": [], "Glasses": [], "Masks": [], "Tops": [ "TShirt_Green", "TShirt_Blue", "TShirt_Black", "TShirt_Beige", "TShirt_Red", "TShirt_OrangeWhiteStripes", "TShirt_White", "TShirt_Red", "TShirt_Grey", "TShirt_RedBlackStripes" ], "Vests": [], "Gloves": [], "Pants": [ "CanvasPants_Beige", "CanvasPants_Blue", "CanvasPants_Grey", "CanvasPants_Red", "CanvasPants_Violet", "CanvasPantsMidi_Beige", "CanvasPantsMidi_Blue", "CanvasPantsMidi_Grey", "CanvasPantsMidi_Red", "CanvasPantsMidi_Violet" ], "Belts": [], "Shoes": [ "AthleticShoes_Blue", "AthleticShoes_Grey", "AthleticShoes_Brown", "AthleticShoes_Green", "AthleticShoes_Black" ], "Armbands": [], "Backpacks": [ "TaloonBag_Blue", "TaloonBag_Green", "TaloonBag_Orange", "TaloonBag_Violet" ] }, "EnableSpawnSelection": 0, "SpawnSelectionScreenMenuID": 1004, "SpawnOnTerritory": 0, "SpawnLocations": [ { "Name": "Svetloyarsk", "Positions": [ [ 14273.2001953125, 2.4000000953674316, 13053.2998046875 ], [ 14407.2998046875, 2, 13253 ], [ 14142.400390625, 3.299999952316284, 13290.2001953125 ], [ 13910.900390625, 4.300000190734863, 13624.900390625 ] ] }, { "Name": "Berezino", "Positions": [ [ 12915.7001953125, 3.4000000953674316, 9278.2001953125 ], [ 13057.2001953125, 2.299999952316284, 9584.48046875 ], [ 13052.900390625, 6.099999904632568, 9894.7001953125 ], [ 13207.2001953125, 2.299999952316284, 10193.7001953125 ] ] }, { "Name": "Solnich", "Positions": [ [ 13169.5, 3.0756099224090576, 7504.02978515625 ], [ 13274, 1.7834999561309814, 7258.81005859375 ], [ 13345.599609375, 1.8779300451278687, 6987.35986328125 ], [ 13383, 2.755160093307495, 6815.89013671875 ] ] }, { "Name": "Solnichniy", "Positions": [ [ 13529.5302734375, 2.251228094100952, 6455.61279296875 ], [ 13484.724609375, 1.7466460466384888, 5911.0947265625 ], [ 13515.912109375, 2.679647922515869, 6117.38427734375 ], [ 13534.671875, 1.6446690559387207, 6234.75 ] ] }, { "Name": "Kamyshovo", "Positions": [ [ 12321.939453125, 1.9261399507522583, 3446.666748046875 ], [ 12188.5703125, 1.7272900342941284, 3422.332275390625 ], [ 11992.25, 1.9820810556411743, 3404.554443359375 ], [ 11859.34375, 1.901515007019043, 3367.71484375 ] ] }, { "Name": "Elektrozavodsk", "Positions": [ [ 11099.068359375, 2.2976760864257812, 2735.5625 ], [ 10858.4130859375, 2.9117209911346436, 2328.290283203125 ], [ 10490.9140625, 1.8469020128250122, 1950.1484375 ], [ 9826.8857421875, 1.7118209600448608, 1757.3746337890625 ], [ 9428.4580078125, 2.25445294380188, 1826.218505859375 ], [ 9153.5361328125, 3.421117067337036, 1914.3006591796875 ] ] }, { "Name": "Chernogorsk", "Positions": [ [ 6044.10302734375, 6.429995059967041, 1871.5006103515625 ], [ 6220.4404296875, 1.917814016342163, 2101.123291015625 ], [ 7118.1220703125, 1.8241829872131348, 2533.971923828125 ], [ 7419.4970703125, 1.7683860063552856, 2576.50390625 ], [ 8139.25, 1.1517109870910645, 2802.3564453125 ] ] }, { "Name": "Balota", "Positions": [ [ 4654.59423828125, 1.4597179889678955, 2132.86669921875 ], [ 4543.99072265625, 1.9016389846801758, 2198.166259765625 ], [ 4269.4228515625, 1.28923499584198, 2245.660888671875 ], [ 4111.90576171875, 1.566264033317566, 2193.9326171875 ] ] }, { "Name": "Komarovo", "Positions": [ [ 3887.55908203125, 1.5955090522766113, 2207.158935546875 ], [ 3746.65576171875, 2.4453859329223633, 2199.878173828125 ], [ 3507.4228515625, 2.0086090564727783, 2101.45458984375 ], [ 3366.9853515625, 1.902521014213562, 2002.4140625 ] ] }, { "Name": "Kamenka", "Positions": [ [ 2164.7001953125, 1.7280139923095703, 2049.44384765625 ], [ 2031.4254150390625, 1.2907429933547974, 2150.743408203125 ], [ 1708.5230712890625, 1.9583090543746948, 2031.263671875 ], [ 1563.32568359375, 2.1741321086883545, 2063.2548828125 ] ] } ], "StartingGear": { "EnableStartingGear": 1, "UseUpperGear": 1, "UsePantsGear": 0, "UseBackpackGear": 1, "UseVestGear": 0, "UsePrimaryWeapon": 0, "UseSecondaryWeapon": 0, "ApplyEnergySources": 1, "SetRandomHealth": 1, "UpperGear": [ { "ClassName": "Rag", "Quantity": 4, "Attachments": [] }, { "ClassName": "HuntingKnife", "Quantity": 1, "Attachments": [] }, { "ClassName": "Apple", "Quantity": 1, "Attachments": [] } ], "PantsGear": [], "BackpackGear": [ { "ClassName": "Heatpack", "Quantity": 1, "Attachments": [] }, { "ClassName": "BakedBeansCan", "Quantity": 1, "Attachments": [] }, { "ClassName": "WaterBottle", "Quantity": 1, "Attachments": [] } ], }, "SpawnHealthValue": 100, "SpawnEnergyValue": 500, "SpawnWaterValue": 500 } What is wrong lol?