Here we go.
Seems like we have anthrax simulator in game now.
Minor cut/wound = dead in 1 hour.
If you dont find disinfectant from start, you're probably dead now.
If you reach stage 2 infection, better to do suicide then waste time to find tetra. You have only 20 mins(!!!) to find disinfectant if you dont have one before sepsis reaction will start and then you have another 30 mins to find tetra before you just die.
Is it works like IRL? No. You cant even boil your rags, you cant even wash them with soap. Cauterization? No no, you cant do it! Btw chance to catch it like a 60-80% lmao.
So what is the point of it? Just make game "hardcore" by adding some nonsense things like this? Game probably unplayable with this sort of "sepsis" mechanics without introducing a basic things to prevent it and adding a dependence to a pretty rare loot.
Here is my story, i did like a 20 fresh character runs, found 0 tetra and 0 disinfectants, tons of useless blood bags and bandages, which you can just throw out after fist use. All 20 characters was dead after minor wound due to "wound infection" progression.