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About Devokan

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  1. I remember when i started playing i was like OW NO! A ZOMBIE and i ran ran ran till i finally lost it. Now with some expierience they just annoy me. Now i know how i can deaggro zombies. Its easy to loot when they are after you, you just need to know where not to go when you have no weapon (you might get stuck) Right now the only thing zombies are good for is making it easier for you to spot other players (and vise-versa) and the usual bandage when you just have spawned and one manages to slap you in the nuts. I aint going to explain you how to deaggro them, use the search option here or google it.
  2. Chill your tits, If you took 1 second looking at the forum before posting you would have noticed you are not the only one receiving this. In other words the problem is not on your side.
  3. Today i played on SE 10 and my character from the day before did not exist anymore and i had to create a new one. After playing on my new character for a while i decided to join another server (SE 6) but then i logged back in on the character i was playing on yesterday and me newly created characted seems to be non existand now? Can anyone explain to me what is going on? :) Edit: i think i found it out myself, SE 10 says hosted by Tansien and SE 6 says hosted by dayzmod.com so ill guess thats the problem and i should just stick to servers that say hosted by dayzmod.com since the other server does not save for cross server?
  4. I really dont understand why people have such a hard time spawning without a pistol.. It is so easy to not get killed by zombies and still loot buildings you just need to find out wich type of buildings you can easily loot without any weapon (going in a building and run onto the stairs with the only way to go down again being the same stairs is not a smart thing to do when getting chased by zombies. weapons are easy to get and melee weapons are almost up for grabs near spawn sites
  5. I like the way you start now. its easy to not get killed by zombies without a weapon and also easy to find a weapon if you are looking for one. Also many players have mercy on you when you run around without a weapon and a starter bag and just leave you to your business. Its now alot better then the pointless pistol fights at the beach.
  6. Devokan

    Non Social Game?

    If they would add some sort of server wide chat again i hope they add it in a type of item (a rare item that allows you to broadcast and recieve them) wich basicly is like it has been but now you need to a item if you want to read and chat there.
  7. The only players i initiate on myself are guys running around with a hatched. got bad expierience with those.
  8. Devokan

    Hi, i'm zealot and i stream DayZ

    This is Alpha testing. what does any beta need? think they wont ever make a real profit out of this? they are surely not doing this to not get players
  9. Devokan

    Hi, i'm zealot and i stream DayZ

    @DaRude new players have 0 posts. Why not promote a guy promoting one of your favorite games to a big crowd. he profits from getting vieuwers and you and the devs profit from getting more players, bigger comunity. explain? I love how the people that say they dont care do care about having that said here. if you dont care, move along? no one cares that you dont care.
  10. Devokan

    Hi, i'm zealot and i stream DayZ

    Why not again? His stream is also on Athenelive.com a site that just raised 1 million for charity by gamers a huge community that never heard about DayZ before. So he actually is advertising this game and him streaming it has made people join this game (i never heard about it untill i saw his stream and now i bought arma and im playing DayZ) It would take a mad person to get frustrated/deleting the 1 and only topic of someone thats actually bringing in players.. its not like he is streaming and only has 1 vieuwer. before the server getting patched he was at 250