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About LeandroGaby02

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. LeandroGaby02

    Cant connect to server error 0x00010001

    Same error
  2. LeandroGaby02

    Error 0x00010001

    I have the error code (0x00010001). When I enter a modified server, the game gives me the error with Dayz Launcher, in-game list of servers and DZSALauncher. The servers are ok, a friend can join but I can't.
  3. LeandroGaby02

    Please tell wont this code error

    I have the same error code (0x00010001). When I enter a modified server, the game gives me the error with Dayz Launcher, in-game list of servers and DZSALauncher. The servers are ok, a friend can join but I can't.
  4. LeandroGaby02

    Cant connect to server error 0x00010001

    Sorry xD
  5. LeandroGaby02

    Cant connect to server error 0x00010001

    I have the same error code (0x00010001), but I never joined the server I am trying to enter. When I enter a modified server, the game gives me the error with Dayz Launcher, in-game list of servers and DZSALauncher