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Inflatable Tube Man

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Everything posted by Inflatable Tube Man

  1. I was in Gorka and i checked every barn (that town has like 6 or 7 barns) and every one has at least 1-2 zeds in it there was no one else in town i made sure of that but yep after clearing the town 3 times every time they popped up again there was always at least 1 zed in a building. -snip It was very tough in .1 when the loot was rubbish, literally... the technique I adopted was to double tap sprint through the building and draw the z's out, and double back to said structure and break LoS. A few times of playing "bait the Z" yielded a fire arm, and from there a decision would ensue as to what the risk reward was for downing them before proceeding into the structure. I suspect in .4 this will be even tougher due to the on "loss LoS" do "search and destroy" zombies, meaning the early game will be very tough... though with respect to the implied intent, it seemingly elevates the having of some loot that much more. I am of the mind to say these are features being tested, nothing more nothing less. I actually wish flares attracted zombies as much as a tin can TBH.
  2. Inflatable Tube Man

    Zombies after patch

    I found that prone was significantly poor in lue of simply crouching and walking... I think it is a 1 visibility hit on the gauge. The sandbox appears to infer that the better method now is to work from building to building as proximity to structures drops vis from 3 to 1 or nil if not moving. This allows for more tin cans and smoke pops (z crack) and facilitates a "Z management" style rather than a pure ninja avoidance technique. Prone is still useful but not as dependent as it was at .2 or .1 as it has been my experience.
  3. You do not have to kill it. Try throwing a tin can or a bottle and watch them leave the building to investigate. This one trick has been very very good to me. Having of gone into barns with a Z or two, looted the barn, and left the barn without alerting the Z's through the gratuitous use of tin cans I am left wondering were the stealth element was lost? Just sayin... Nepo has the right idea here. GJ
  4. Inflatable Tube Man

    Be or not to be friendly?

    Always friendly, never been killed by another player... tree bug sure... bleeding out... you bet... starvation, gotcha... zombies while I was logging in and couldn't move from being clipped into the terrain, certainly... but never another player. That said I have rules for how I go about doing this, and use DC voip, always approach with the drop "on them", and always always avoid groups of people working together (this implies a 3rd party communication device and likely a group think attitude). I don't go out of my way to interfere with people, and let the event normally happen in a low stress situation. Learn to sit, lower your weapon, and salute... as a further note I tend to only "work" with pick up's for a very short time... it's democracy on a pirate ship... never forget... it's a pirate ship.
  5. Inflatable Tube Man

    Zombie Children YAY or NAY

    I am sure it is something that is doable but other than some shock value seemingly would add little to the experience in it's entirety as compared to the work involved to expand the associated objects, tags, images, audio files. Interesting idea nevertheless. OT what about having military and police Zs occasionally utilize fire arms? OT what about including more skins as loot, such as the priest, police uniform, or various civilian clothing?
  6. Inflatable Tube Man

    Double Barrel Shotty Issue

    Bug 1) Shot Clipping v1.7.1.2 Using Double Barrel Shot Gun, very nice newb tube by the way, great job. I noticed that at very close (striking distance) that the gun appears to clip through the target, effectively hitting nothing. This only occurs (as I experienced) at very close ranges, if not right "on top" of the character avatar. A few meters out the spread of the blast recorded every kill as a head shot requiring very little aim. Effective from the hip. Bug 2) Ammo Split v1.7.1 Splitting ammo when there is not enough space in the inventory seemed to hold the ammo in what I would describe as a null state, dropping a piece of inventory the space was immediately occupied by a split shell. Cheers!