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About Reehnegie

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Reehnegie

    Use CAMO nets to hide cars

    I think a good update would be able to hide a car using a camo net. I've got a couple bases in the woods that are simple tents (not car tents) with camo nets covering them. I've worked and managed to cobble together a functioning car. It would be great if I could stash it in the woods and cover it with a camo net. You should have to remove the net before driving or working on the car. Edit: I play on console (Xbox)
  2. Reehnegie

    We need new sounds in the game

    I think the sound of vehicles could be improved. Chernarus is a big dead world. The sound of a car would travel a long way across an open field or stretch of road. Could you make vehicle sounds travel farther?
  3. Reehnegie

    Crafting Splint Recipe

    A couple days ago my character fell and broke his leg. I did not have enough rags or bandages on hand to craft a splint. I did however have several ropes and duct tape. It would be great if the splint crafting recipe was expanded so that you can use duct tape and rope to craft one. 1 Duct Tape + 2 Short Sticks = splint 1 Rope + 2 Short Sticks = splint Edit: I play on console (Xbox)