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Denis Svoboda

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About Denis Svoboda

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  1. Denis Svoboda

    DayZ Update 1.13

    Thx for the wipe. Lost a few months of grinding. Official servers are lagging a lot. All my friends have the same issue.
  2. Denis Svoboda

    DayZ Wipe Announcement 1.13

    You play on pc? Because on consoles most people just use alt. accounts to stast loot on them. Only idiot would put any loot they need in base. All I keep in my base is a showel, hatchet, 2 spare hammers and electricity source.
  3. Denis Svoboda

    DayZ Wipe Announcement 1.13

    Yeah. My 3 friends who used to play for 2 years quit after reading that article. Another one even buyed gamepass and controller so he can join us but now he is trying to get refund because there is no point in looting if you are getting wiped in 2 weeks and again in 3 months. I am thinking about the same... uninstall and don’t bother. I spend way too much time to let my stuff be “deleted”.
  4. Denis Svoboda

    DayZ Wipe Announcement 1.13

    Most people use bases for roleplay or content reasons. Stashibg any valuable loot is dumb idea. just use alternate accounts. That way you can store your look on “offline character” and therefore not affect the server economy. Same as if you just destroyed the stuff as long as the character is offline. Also it slows down tge game on high servers. If you play on server where is 5-25 people you can manage. I know that there are 9 big bases and no issues yet.
  5. Denis Svoboda

    DayZ Wipe Announcement 1.13

    Also why have temporary and persistance servers? Everything is just temporary + with so often wipes. just wipe the temporary servers and let persistance players play on persistance. We have chosen persistance for a reason: things such as bases and characters persist.
  6. Denis Svoboda

    DayZ Wipe Announcement 1.13

  7. Denis Svoboda

    DayZ Wipe Announcement 1.13

    Depends. I am having a hard time avoiding players on 15+ servers.
  8. Denis Svoboda

    DayZ Wipe Announcement 1.13

    In that case its mich better to keep more servers. All the people will now try to build on more populated servers and it is going to ruin the gameplay. ever tried playing on official server with 50+ players? Horrible lag...
  9. Denis Svoboda

    DayZ Wipe Announcement 1.13

    Agreed. I believe that 10-20 players is golden number so you can encouter PvP but still can manage to play peacefully.
  10. Denis Svoboda

    DayZ Wipe Announcement 1.13

    Please stop the wipes. Constant wipes makes the game unplayable. Not everyone has the time to play every day. We spend building lovely huge base since last update and created a big group of good players. We have 17 full gear characters that are inevitably lost with all the progress. It takes ages to gather the material, find equipment and build base in the city, on the roof or in the suburbs. Now we lose everything (again) and we see that we are going to lose it again and than again. I am not sure what is worse: loosing a base which took us nearly a week (clear play time which we used to gather axes, hammers, nails, wood, flags, stones and building - I do not count PvP or searching for clothes or anything into this time) or loosing multiple chsracters. Tell me where can I found 2 SVAL, 5 M4, multiple KAM, Tundras and 7 Carrier plates? It takes ages to gather so many things. Such news makes us just want to quit the game. Let us die natural way such as zombie attack, PvP or classical DayZ bug/glitch. I don’t mind those bugs because they are a part of the game. But pls let us keep the characters. My friend recently bought the game and he is trying to refund it because he don’t want to keep loosing his progress for no reason. Community servers are unstable or you never know when will the owner stop playing and delete the server. No chance to save progress there. There is no reason to play until new update... because everything we do in these two weeks before you drop the wipe will be lost. Two weeks of time wasted. And you are going to do it again, and again and again. At least do it annualy or something like that. What is the point of persistence servers anyways? There is no point in them any more. If you are afraid of server economics than do not delete the characters. Offline characters carriing rare stuff do not count into the server economy and therefore they do not affect the spawn rate. But you know that, you made the game. I am really glad to see the game evolve and move forward but let us move with it, dont leave us behind. If you want to keep doing wipes than give us a chance to play singleplayer so we can keep our prigress somewhere.