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About themonk3106

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. themonk3106

    Console Update 1.20

    The vehicles still drive like poop. The truck is the worst having to smash through gears to climb a hill, on a steep hill you end up with a yellow engine because you cannot go beyond 1st gear. In previous iterations you could pull away in 2nd and engage 4th and happily drive everywhere like that. This was the best version of the gearbox setup in the truck and I implore you to bring it back. In its current set up your watching the rev counter trying not to go into the red (the xbox triggers used for throttle are not user programmable and are incapable of increasing in increments) and not watching where you are going and the gear ratio is set to high. The second worst vehicle is the Humvee and that auto gearbox with Drive, Neutral and Reverse. Over half the time it refuses to engage drive and when it does it performs poorly in AWD and struggles to climb hills either on road or off. After switching off the truck exhaust fumes continue to pour out of the exhaust pipe, this will stop after a server restart or if the player removes the truck battery and reinserts it. There is no way currently of camouflaging vehicles apart from using a car tent for cars. If memory serves on Skalisty island next door to a Vendors hut inside the castle ruins there's a cammo shelter which has enough capacity to camouflage 3 or 4 car type vehicles its a pity this isn't available as a craftable item using the same dimensions as the Skalisty island version. I have used that cammo shelter many times as a base. OR why not add the cammo net icon like you find on fences and watchtowers and add them to vehicles of course some vehicles are larger than others and require more cammo nets OR much like the improvised shelter using sticks cammo a vehicle its like covering a vehicle with branches and forest matter irl.
  2. themonk3106

    Community Spotlight - June 2022

    I was recently watching NEZAR on YT (PC) building in caves SW of Svet. On another YT video NEZAR built on the small island at Krutoy Cap and called it the hobbit home. When I visited the caves on Xbox they weren't there. There's supposed to be a medium size and a large subterranean cave up that way SW of Svet. I play on Xbox yet it appears the Cherno map on PC is different. I tried googling the cave difference but found nothing. You would think on a map this size it would have usable caves, mineshafts or something of this ilk. I screenshot some of the locations but are unable to put them in here. As for the secret it wouldn't be the use of the Unreal engine by chance?
  3. I had some ideas like creating your own improvised sewing/leather kits (Animal bones to make the needles and the guts to make the threads), animal snares from catgut, making clothes/footwear from animal skins, fabricating a suppressor from a torch instead of a bottle (I've seen a 6 cell Maglite conversion), make your own bow and arrows or make your own crossbow and bolts and have the option of adding a hunting scope. Would be nice to see some of these on Xbox.
  4. themonk3106

    Night vision scope

    "Would be handy to have a night vision scope for the western weapons too." There is its called a RVN scope
  5. themonk3106

    Community Spotlight - April 2021

    I'm a PVE player and a bit of a loner, when are we going to see more options for those who want to survive in the wild. I had some ideas like creating your own improvised sewing/leather kits (Animal bones to make the needles and the guts to make the threads), animal snares from catgut, making clothes/footwear from animal skins, fabricating a suppressor from a torch instead of a bottle (I've seen a 6 cell Maglite conversion), make your own bow and arrows or make your own crossbow and bolts and have the option of adding a hunting scope. Would be nice to see some of these on Xbox.