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Tory Gilding

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Everything posted by Tory Gilding

  1. Tory Gilding

    Experimental Update 1.13 (Changelog)

    So I have some major issues with this game... I love this game, I've sunk sooooo many hours into this game. I have a lot of good memories, there isn't anything else like it. But there is sooooo much lost potential... I literally have 3000 hours plus on this game. No other games make me feel the way DayZ does when you get into action or just hanging with Friends. But I just don't understand, this game has been out for how long and they promise all this content but, the majority of the content the add is lacking. Some of the guns are cool yes, the way the changed base destruction was a plus for me, everyone might not agree with that but I think it was a positive change. My issue is the rest of the game is lacking, it's an empty experience... The base building is totally stale and lacking. The guns you add are mostly variants of guns we already have. WE DON'T NEED AN M16, add a pkm, add a bow, we need variety! Please add more to base building. Add a new vehicles that can carry more then 4 people. FIX THE VEHICLES, add traders, NPCs. Something! Like you literally have all the assets you need from Arma 3, is it lack of funding? Short handed? Like wtf... There is sooooo much potential for this game and honestly you guys are fucking it up. Maybe it's the higher ups that are making it hard for you guys to do more idk, but figure it out! I love you guys but get your shit together. You guys are honestly killing my favorite game. I've been here watching since the Arma 2 mod days. Dreaming of this game to come to consoles and now that it's been here for the last few years, I feel let down, do better please...