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Stalker z Czarnobyla

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  1. Stalker z Czarnobyla

    One tiny thing: Lifestraw water filter

    I mean a Lifestraw specifically for Chernarus and Livonia, that although able to purify water from streams and lakes won't be able to fill the bottles and canteens to keep some for later.
  2. Stalker z Czarnobyla

    One tiny thing: Lifestraw water filter

    Self explanatory - very rare loot (around 4 per map) findable in hunting and tourist locations across Chernarus and Livonia, which when equipped allows to drink straight from the unsure water sources. Godsend for those types of players, that are worried about getting killed around water wells in the villages.
  3. There are enough instances of on example when someone bleeding was trapped inside a house because of people guarding a door and couldn't bandage themselves, because others would hear that and bumrush him. But what if at the cost of performing certain actions more slowly you could bandage yourself, equip a rifle from your back, reloading etc. without alerting others of what you're doing? With that we introduce a mini-mind game of "what is he doing?": should we enter and hope he's in the middle of bandaging himself or maybe he's in fact ready to respond with fire? Of course that rifle equpping would have to come with dropping stuff making sounds, but that seems like an easy task to do.
  4. Stalker z Czarnobyla

    Folding back seats for more space

    I think it explains itself: if we don't need to pick people off the street and take them somewhere, we could instead fold back seats to get more available space for loot at the cost of not being able to carry passengers in the back. 200 additional slots should be enough.
  5. It's just unrealistic, when people no matter if they're full health or were recently mowed down by automatic fire and miraculously survived or even in process of succumbing to elements are equally capable of fighting. Running away should be the preferable option over fighting if you got seriously wounded. That's why I suggest something, that should be easily implementable and should do the trick. MELEE The less health you have: - you'll hit softer - you'll need more stamina for stamina-consuming actions - your block may sometimes be breached RANGED - you'll have bigger sway - you'll have harder-kicking recoil - your breath holding will be less effective at steading your aim
  6. Stalker z Czarnobyla

    Predator meat disease

    As we've seen with devs trying to stop wolves and bears becoming a food delivery service for geared players by making the meat tainted with salmonella-like disease, I think there should be a bit more punishment for eating predator meat. Maybe even devs took note of this disease, on which they're trying to base it on: trichinella. EXPOSURE By eating predator meat AND sometimes boar (10-25% of all boars will have it) meat you'll get permament symptoms (non-curable by immunity) until you find specific anti-trichinella medicine, such as: 1) Vomiting in the 1st stage 2) Additionally decreased stamina regen, decreased field of view and decreased possible stomach intake in the 2nd stage To make things more interesting: if a cannibal will try to eat infected human, he'll also get trichinella in order for such playstyle to be something more than kuru. PREVENTION Predator meat is unpurgeable from trichinella, however infected boar meat will be safe ONLY when boiled for a LONG time or burnt.
  7. Stalker z Czarnobyla

    New weapon: Pepesha

    Well, the title speaks for itself, but to clarify: PPSH-41 would be a solid weapon of choice, if we assume, that there were either communist or anti-communist partisans in Chernarus. I see it happening, that civilians would have some Pepeshas hidden away due to their past. Fed from either stick or drum magazines would have shred armored players similarly like assault rifles, however due to its lack of range, staggering firerate and ammo not that common it would probably be ditched in favour of other military goodies.
  8. Stalker z Czarnobyla

    To make fires more satisfying...

    ... more effort should be put to start them. For quite some time I stopped liking the easiness of making a fire with simply one rag and huge chunk of wood, which allows for a quick heat buff and food preparing. That's why I propose fire overhaul as someone, who has some experience with firestarting. 1) We'll divide fuel into those categories a) big chunks of firewood b) normal sticks and batonned chunks of firewood (using either an axe, hatchet or heavy duty knives like hunting or combat) c) tiny sticks d) dark bark and wood shavings (acquired either from sticks or firewood using any sharp tool) e) kindling (birch bark, rags, paper and bandages) - birch bark being igniteable even when wet and forageable without the need of a knife, it's easily acquired by hand 2) One must take care of a fire for a fire to take care of them. People should start a fire from kindling (or point d after preparing the material with sharp tools) and work their way up to have a live, big fireplace. Kindling will burn VERY fast (~10 seconds), but it'll allow you to start adding material from point d before it'll burn out. Still beware, you'll need to prepare material close to you to avoid a falstart, where kindling burns out before you add next-stage fuel. Then after reaching certain amount of heat one can go to the next stage and so on. In order to start receiving a heat buff one needs to progress to the stage c. 3) One mustn't throw wood to a fire, one must feed the fire. By throwing all wood at once you'll only suffocate the flames. Every type of fuel won't choke it only after it reaches certain amount of heat. 4) Cooking When hot embers start appearing (when you start feeding the flame with b-category fuel) you'll be able to boil and bake food with a pot or a pan on the embers themselves, however this will quite a bit increase the damage to the utensil used. When lighting a fire in a stove (or fireplace) or outside (using a tripod or a field kitchen) you can prepare the food using live flames. To dry food you'll just need to place food in the proximity of the heat emitted. Now having a nice, big fire will be very satisfactory.
  9. Stalker z Czarnobyla

    Reshaping player points of interests

    Now the only real points of interests for anyone reasonably geared and seeking bumps are military areas, maybe hunting locations if someone is for the sniper. But what if we made it a bit more risky to fight people and in general commit to ? What if the bullet wounds hitting not protected by armor areas would have to be managed more than just by bandaging (only as a temporary measure) and needed to be operated on either by special surgical kit or (maybe disinfected) pliers (the latter one would cause health harm). With this kind of problem people would start valuing hospitals and medical clinics and would make them a new hotspot besides military areas.
  10. Stalker z Czarnobyla

    Small change to base building

    As the title suggests, I'd change a bit about the way people build bases. Normally players have to set up a new fence kit to barricade windows, so that noone gets to peek into what the base has and this results in a bit of material wasted on covering walls, which are unpassable anyway. My idea is to allow planks to be nailed into the walls (they'd be set up similarly, how storage like oil barrels and crates are now placed), so that players would use less materials (especially nails) with the same result.
  11. Stalker z Czarnobyla

    Reshaping bullet damage

    That's why I gave the question mark to those 10 seconds as I'm not an expert about gaming balance.
  12. Stalker z Czarnobyla

    Reshaping bullet damage

    For anyone who has been shot irl (for some reason) should remember, how the thing didn't just knock you out, but rather send your will to sleep increasingly until you in fact pass out. That's why I propose some changes to bullet shock damage: On example it'd be the easiest to explain. 5,45 round slaps 115 shock damage (according to WOBO tools). On impact it'd deal half that amount immediately and over the span of 10(?) seconds it'd deal the rest of the shock damage (without that first shock regeneration). It'd allow people to do some last-seconds actions before they pass out and additionally when hit and with a man still endangering your life you'd never know exactly when you pass out.
  13. Stalker z Czarnobyla

    Power generator needs way more love + other way of charging electrical devices

    I mean the houseware equipment already in the houses, not new equipment, that I'll have to find and with which I'll clutter the inside even more. I mean powering straight from a battery already connected to a car.
  14. As you should know the only real uses for generator is creating energy for powering lights and charging batteries. Meanwhile if it doesn't spawn in the same settlement as a base there's not much reason to carry it all the way to base. That's why I propose a change to give some attention to this equipment. Certainly we need a new purpose for it, so I'd suggest making houseware equipment useable (like oven and fridge) and pluggable to the generator. This will bring some warmth to the houses, where you would be able to push some pre-outbreak warmth and not to mess around with gas stoves/live fires and hurrying with preparing hunted game before it spoils. Not to mention differing sockets to 1 "industrial" and 3 "houseware" (typical 220/230V). Additionally something to think of about bases: power tools. It's really off to build a frame or panelling in couple of seconds. Instead with new power tools a creation of something will take normal time (1.19 update time) and by hammer/hatchet it should take something around 1 minute. Still it doesn't make it easier to use the generator in the first place, so adding a smaller generator, carryable in a backpack (size something like 6x6) with only 2 sockets and smaller capacity. Alternatively/additionally to the lucky ones having fixed a car it may be a good idea to add a 12/230 electricity converter lready coming with jumper cables allowing to power standard devices straight from a car battery (yup, real thing). And just to "teach" anyone knowing nothing about electricity a simple test consisting of having to know, what terminals to connect/disconnect first. If connecting positive one second/disconnecting positive first a big spark shall happen and kill the battery completely (ruin it) along with some harm to the person messing around with it. Express your opinions on that.
  15. Stalker z Czarnobyla

    Changes to the blood oriented actions

    This post will propose changes influenced by my own and others blood donating experience. See, I was an idiot and when having blood stored in a bag I was staring at all of this blood flowing and because of that I got lightheaded and ultimately docs had to abort the donation after filling 1/3 of blood bag. That's why I suggest a hidden stat of immunity to having blood taken. Characters with lower stat may not be able to fill the whole bag without passing out. Staring at blood being taken should artificially lower that stat. This stat would be trainable, so with more donations immunity to passing out from blood loss of any kind increase. Additionally for certain amount of time some actions requiring two hands (like smacking with a two-handed melee or vaulting though a high fence) should be either impossible or cause shock damage.