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Everything posted by costavojik

  1. costavojik

    Experimental Update 1.14 (Changelog)

    What does your computer has to do with server lagging?
  2. costavojik

    Experimental Update 1.14 (Changelog)

    Great work bohemia! ❤️ Shouldn't NBC zombies have their scream muffled? x)
  3. costavojik

    Disconnect Breath-Holding From Stamina

    I think rather than completely disconnecting it from the stamina just make it drain percentage for example 15s and your stamina is completely drained
  4. costavojik

    Night Vision Goggles - Require Balance?

    They still run on battery I mean if you're don't hoard them you going to run out of them quickly
  5. costavojik

    Experimental Update 1.13 (Changelog)

    I don't know if buckshot pellets would penetrate a ceramic vest? By the video doesn't seems so https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5b-D9DiG7uU You can always aim for the head/legs X)
  6. costavojik

    Experimental Update 1.13 (Changelog)

    I'm genuinely sorry for asking here for a feature request but could we combine sewing/leather kits? It's so frustrating to have 3 stacks of 25% sewing kits
  7. costavojik

    Stable Update 1.13

    the fact that you can't / you are discouraged to go straight to military bases is Literally my favorite part of the update
  8. costavojik


    Even more than writing some text, giving the player to make simple sketches can be nice. Yeah people will abuse it but I doubt it will be that bad. Imagine finding a treasure map 😭
  9. costavojik

    Quality of life changes

    I agree that we can carry way too much stuff in dayz, but at the same time items in dayz take space not in the most realistic way. I don't think dayz should try to be 100% realistic because it's simple unachievable However a 3 pack of duct tape is around the size of one can and in dayz what it's like 3 cans? Absurd Regaining stamina while jogging is so dumb absurd and breaks the definition of a slow pace game. Duct tape has so much potential for a survival zombie game and we use it to repair clothes and craft bottle suppressors bruh
  10. costavojik

    Quality of life changes

    Hello bohemia developers and community! here some suggestions I made for you! 1. Splitting inventory pants inventory (maybe jackets too?), as hiding SG5K in pants is ridicilous. 2. Using a rope as a belt with bottle/knife attachment. Or at least give us the opportunity to craft belts with leather and a leather sewing kit. Belts are such a common item in real life and in dayz it feels a luxury item you barely find it 3. I'm sure this was brought up so many times but why can't we add morphine/epinephrine shots on our backpack and vests as an attachment? Also make slot of radio/chemlight interchangable Small QoL change everyone would benefit 4. A lot of dayz guns don't feature an attachment for a flashlight and it's understanble but let us have the ability to attach it using duct tape Imagine having a BK43 with a flashlight :') Some notes: > Combing sewing kits should make sense > Crafting belt pouches from leather would make hunting more attractive > Getting big guns from a backpack should take much more time (3s at least) than taking it off the shoulder. This would make player interactions more interesting.
  11. costavojik

    DayZ Wipe Announcement 1.13

    IMO there shouldn't be server wipes this often, if the developers don't want characters to be alive for this long, give us more environmental threats just make the game more punishing where surviving for a long time becomes a real challenge. The current state of dayz lets you survive for so freaking long if you play carefully avoid cities and hunt in forests for food.
  12. costavojik

    Quality of life changes

    I don't know about this picture... RPG in dayz? 🤪 If you remove the RPG on the left pic, all items should fit in the bag even though the gun would be sticking out. IMO the stamina in dayz makes the player a superman who can jog/run nonstop, kinda dissapointing and breaks the immersion 😞
  13. costavojik

    Quality of life changes

    Ok lol<3
  14. costavojik

    Quality of life changes

    I understand what you mean but some items are very believable but tying a bottle onto a rope is not that complicated IRL. (Remember survival game lol) For example, chemlights, handheld transcievers, flashlights, IRL all have hooks/straps/clamps that are designed for this kind of stuff. Hell you could literally put a duct tape on a rope... but ok Maybe it doesn't feel relevant to you but man I would be so happy to see that feature implemented
  15. costavojik

    3 simple and high-quality suggestions for the game

    Heartbeat is a must! It would make sense for thoses that sprinting all the time especially during pvp it would add so much immersion. Maybe even blur effect for sprinting too :')