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About BadOnion73

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    On the Coast

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  1. BadOnion73

    How to contact server admin

    [Sorry - an new to this forum and posted this query elsewhere, but then found this thread specific to Xbox so am reposting] Just started DayZ, having less than 50 hours playing time. have rage quit numerous times - but love the game. I am playing on Xbox. I finally managed to accumulate a decent amount of loot/supplies to begin the process of building a secure location (except i cannot find a damn shovel to save my life). anyhow, I was very high up a ladder when the server crashed - which isn't usually an issue as I have had the server go down temporarily a couple times now - I just grab a fresh cup of coffee and log back in. HOWEVER this last time when I logged back in, I was in freefall off the ladder and instantly died - loosing everything. so my question is 1) how does one contact the admin, and 2) do they/can they return the lost loot/supplies? Hoping a kind soul may be able to assist Thanks,
  2. BadOnion73

    Admin support

    Just started DayZ, having less than 50 hours playing time. have rage quit numerous times - but love the game. I am playing on Xbox. I finally managed to accumulate a decent amount of loot/supplies to begin the process of building a secure location (except i cannot find a dams shovel to save my life). anyhow, I was very high up a ladder when the server crashed - which isn't usually an issue as I have had the server go down temporarily a couple times now - I just grab a fresh cup of coffee and log back in. HOWEVER this last time when I logged back in, I was in freefall off the ladder and instantly died - loosing everything. so my question is 1) how does one contact the admin, and 2) do they/can they return the lost loot/supplies? Hoping a kind soul may be able to assist Thanks,