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Everything posted by crispyglock

  1. crispyglock

    Delta Squad

    I hope someone joins, kills the men, beats the boys, raids the camps, and does who knows what with the women...
  2. so this bigfoot.....Anyone got a pic? haha
  3. crispyglock

    Request Medical Assistance from RMG

    Got it...Bumble is on his way!!!
  4. crispyglock

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Bumble is on his way to me right now! This thread and these people are life savers...literally! I started this life with 200 blood and bounced back to having several tents some NVGs and a assortment of weapons! I owe you guys one!!!
  5. crispyglock

    Right in the Nutz!

    "You in the wrong neighborhood motha F$#%%#!!" BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
  6. crispyglock

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Need Help....unconscious and losing blood. need a blood transfussion and possibly food. can discuss payment options..PM me for details. I'm around Stary. I would love to get this over with before night comes ;)
  7. crispyglock

    Request Medical Assistance from RMG

    Tried to submit a need help form on the website but it isn't letting me....PM me or something please!!!!
  8. I may be new to the forum, but I have been reading the forum, and playing avidly since April. I don't assume that I know all, nor do I think that this is the best/right way to do things. This will just be some notes from what I've learned along the way. Anyone else please feel free to add anything that I may have left out, as I am doing this off the top of my head. I played the majority of my time on DayZ as a lonewolf. there are pros and cons to this. Keep in mind that most of my tips come from this mind-set. -Starting out, head to the nearest large town fr some good base loot. -Before heading north try to find... -Weapons: a primary weapon, the enfield or winchester are good. Secondary, pretty much anything, i like the 1911 and the revolver both have good power and ammo is abundant. - Medical supplies or atleast some morphine, you WILL break bones. I don't reall look for blood bags, once you get a knife, axe, and matches animals will replinish blood just fine. - It should be a great importance before leaving town to atleast find some basic tool belt items. (Compass, map, knife, axe, or matches) You don't need all these but it is a good idea to attempt to find as many as possible. -Looting: This depends on the amount of activity in Cherno or Electro. I prefer to be as quick as possible. I will generally RUN into town, go through the first building you see to lose the Zeds. After that you can sneak from buiding to building. Typically, I'll hit the supermarket, a few houses (Red or Orange in color), and a church or fire station. I try to find a larger pack (Czech or Alice)*** -Priorites: I've take notice that a lot of people take ammo and other loot in hopes of getting a weapon that can use it. Stop chasing dreams, in the game of survival you live for the moment and deal with what you have in the present. -Random Tips: Always hit a barn for a axe or rifle/shotgun. -Hit up deer stands: guns, ammo, meds, drink spawn there. - Ditch flares, if you absolutely need light, use blue or green chem lights. - Lose any value for human life. this is survival, nothing more. - If you have zeds aggro'd don't be stingy with your ammo. Eliminate the threat! - Camping tents that spawn in supermarkets can be a great asset. Set them up in low traffic areas, so WHEN you die. you can get re-geared more quickly. - Whether you are looting or in a fire fight, mobility is your friend! - When leaving a town, if zeds get aggro'd, run into some trees and switch to crouch-run and turn left or right...repeat as necesary. - Canteens are superior to soda, you can refill them at lakes, ponds, and water spouts. *Don't go all the way into the pond or you will lose all of your gear. - Don't be afraid to get off of the roads. this will improve your navigation skills, and up north you might even find a downed Heli. (lots of zeds but if unraided can provide superior weapons, ammo, and med supplies.) - Hunting survivors, if this is your cup of tea think about conveince. Most players need supplies so chances are you will be more successful in towns with more opportunity of good loot. Take some time and observe, get good vantage points. When shooting has started move never stay in the same location. - Whe approaching a town, if it has zombies walking around chances are there is a survivor in the town somewhere. ...That's all I can think of for now.
  9. crispyglock

    A Few Tips Coming from a Player with 180+ hours...

    I agree. I didn't detail that enough. My main concern is eliminating the threat. However, depending on the circumstances...I will usually egress from the town for a while. Any time you have to dispatch some zeds you want to move from the area quickly. I cant tell you how many times I have followed a trail of dead zeds to find and kill a person reloading or bandaging in a building or treeline. **Get away from the "hot zones" (where shots and zombies agrro's). Hope this helps. If anyone has a question that i didn't cover post it!
  10. crispyglock

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Beta 94876 Dayz I walked up on a sheep and shot it, and instantly started gutting the meat. Before my guy could finish this action the sheep disappeared, with the meat. I was right next to the sheep when I shot him too, it's not like I was sniping sheep's or anything.
  11. crispyglock

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Just logged in and gained a M240 Ammo Can for my M240 but lost a morphine....weird.
  12. I was playing last night, heard the ghillie's were fixed so I retreived one that I found and stashed. Out of fear I put my weapons in a tent (M240 & M4A1 CCO SD). After I put the ghillie on I couldnt get my weapons out of the tent. So I switched clothing back got my weapons then put the ghillie back on. Then I noticed it!....My M4A1 CCO SD turned into a M4A1 CCO!...no SD. Also originally my debug was set back to 0. Throughout the night i logged off and back on. after I found a heli crash and another set of NVGs I logged off. I started this morning and everything was fine...other than the CCO/SD problem.
  13. Ghillie (not shown, recently acquired) M240 M4A1 CCO SD...when I put the ghillie on and got the CCO SD out of my tent it turned to a CCO. Whatever though. NVGs 1911 Rangefinder ....only thing I'm missing is a GPS
  14. I'm going to need to see more vids like this!!!! ASAP!!!!!
  15. crispyglock

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    The gameplay is working fine for the most part. I do have a question... Can anyone confirm this? I was playing last night, heard the ghillie's were fixed so I retreived one that I found and stashed. Out of fear I put my weapons in a tent (M240 & M4A1 CCO SD). After I put the ghillie on I couldnt get my weapons out of the tent. So I switched clothing back got my weapons then put the ghillie back on. Then I noticed it!....My M4A1 CCO SD turned into a M4A1 CCO ...no SD :( Is there a reason for this?
  16. crispyglock

    A Few Tips Coming from a Player with 180+ hours...

    Your best bet, though it may be frowned on...find a map online and look for markers, or roads, towns will have signs on the outer edges that say what town it is...do whatever you have to to try and find some landmarks. then, alt- tab out of the game and look for similarites on your map from google or wherever. If I were you i would try to find a small town run through it. run through the first building you see to get the zeds off of you then hit the next one for loot....good luck my friend. if nothing else this will be a good learning experience!
  17. So I guess I should just periodically check back on the site for when a NC server is open?
  18. Quick Question... I am very interested in renting a server. My question is, "is there a contract or is it just billed month to month?" Following can i cancel whenever i would like? Is there a way I can be put on a waitlist for the next North Carolina server open? Thanks. -Crispy
  19. I actually encountered you guys in Stary a few days ago. my friend was providing overwatch while i was raiding tents. he popped on of you guys, then was shot point blank with a M107. when I came up I terminated the PAF sniper, pissed myself over his NVGs. Then got into a firefight with one maybe two more of your guys. PAF got the best of me... Fun Times. I haeen a Lone Wolf for the majority of my 180+ hours but recebtly started playing with two other guys, both of which are about to take a break (US ARMY Bootcamp). I was wondering if I might be able to run with you guys a bit. I hope you don't hold a grudge from our little shootout. IF anything I think that I have proved the contribution I could make to the team. I am mainly on NC 2.