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Coty (DayZ)

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About Coty (DayZ)

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  1. Coty (DayZ)

    Side effects of Murdering

    Are all soldiers mentally ill? Is every gang related murderer mentally ill? I hate this retarded relation with murder and mental illness, and now crime with mental illness. Just because the courts let a dozen murders off because of mental illness doesn't mean they acutally have it. Morality is objective, its morally wrong to kill someone. It is morally wrong to steal from someone. it is morally wrong to fuck your mother. There are people who do these things everyday. Some of them have mental illnesses. The thing is, mental illness can cause someone to lose there morals. You seem to believe this the other way around; you believe that KILLING causes mental problems, espically in a hallucinary and auditory way. Every murder related to mental illness has the mental illness before the murder. However, victims of crime and those who have witnessed murder of loved ones, they're the ones who are scared by murder. If you're going to go about claiming murder causes mental issues as SEVERE as hallicinations, which is some SERIOUS shit, by the way, at least state some damn facts. Also, inb4 shell shocked Edit: OH, and don't forget that people soundly and calmly plan murders every fucking day soldiers are trained to kill, and yes many suffer from PTSD and other mental issues after returing from heavy combat. Not always because of taking the life of someone, but it's a main cause. Including watching their friends die, which would be happening as well in a zombie apoc. Gangs are another thing, I grew up in Detroit, I've seen plenty of gang violence. They grow up being taught by their elders that its ok to kill someone if "blah blah". Thus, they never had the morals instilled in them in the first place. Also, You're talking about minorities, I'm talking about majorities. If your everyday, average joe is forced to kill someone, it's going to cause some serious problems. Yes, hallucinations are uncommon, and probably wouldn't happen, but it'd be a nice addition to the game. Throw in a zombie apocalypse and there will be some serious mental breaks, most will probably opt for the easy way out and commit suicide. Mental illness helps cause murders, yes. It can also be caused by being forced to kill someone. It goes both ways. Hey guys I just killed someone out of survival I totally have auditory hallucinations which have nothing to do with killing someone instead of depression or anxiety or paranoia oh god its like medical degrees/high school biochemistry class don't matter and this is just a cheap shot at bandits because I died THIS JUST IN HALLUCINATIONS ARE GENERALLY CHEMICALLY RELATED FROM A PRE-EXISTING CONDITION AND MOST MENTAL ILLNESSES RELATED TO HALLUCINATIONS YOU ARE BORN WITH UNCOMMON IS AN UNDERSTATEMENT
  2. Coty (DayZ)

    Simple Solution to Loot Farming via Server Hopping

    The obvious solution to the problem of if a server goes offline, is to allow for 2 or 3 switches of servers in that 30 minute period.
  3. Coty (DayZ)

    Player Identification and Classification System

    iono, this just seems like a way to short range identify bandits after you play on a server long enough Guess its not that bad though, maybe a little less range
  4. Coty (DayZ)

    Side effects of Murdering

    Are all soldiers mentally ill? Is every gang related murderer mentally ill? I hate this retarded relation with murder and mental illness, and now crime with mental illness. Just because the courts let a dozen murders off because of mental illness doesn't mean they acutally have it. Morality is objective, its morally wrong to kill someone. It is morally wrong to steal from someone. it is morally wrong to fuck your mother. There are people who do these things everyday. Some of them have mental illnesses. The thing is, mental illness can cause someone to lose there morals. You seem to believe this the other way around; you believe that KILLING causes mental problems, espically in a hallucinary and auditory way. Every murder related to mental illness has the mental illness before the murder. However, victims of crime and those who have witnessed murder of loved ones, they're the ones who are scared by murder. If you're going to go about claiming murder causes mental issues as SEVERE as hallicinations, which is some SERIOUS shit, by the way, at least state some damn facts. Also, inb4 shell shocked Edit: OH, and don't forget that people soundly and calmly plan murders every fucking day
  5. Coty (DayZ)

    Auditory hallucinations

    I think I just invented a new drinking game Take a shot every time you see a hallicination and/or phyco thread that involves hurting low humanity players
  6. Coty (DayZ)

    Server Hop. ENOUGH

    Better solution? Initiate a XX minute ban after Y changes in servers within a peroid of Z minutes. If thats too fancy, ban some faggot for 20 minutes for changing servers 3 times in 5 minutes.
  7. Coty (DayZ)

    Database cleanup [2012-07-03]

    But I spent so long flooding that one fire station completely with wire fences! IT WAS A WORK OF ART! AAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
  8. Coty (DayZ)

    Side effects of Murdering

    Oh look this thread again Im going out on a limb here saying this, but murder is a MORAL dilema, not a phycological one. Without society to hunt you down and investigate a murder, alot of more criminal types would totally murder you for a can of beans. Pretty much, go back to school, and pretend no one gets in trouble for beating you to death.
  9. Coty (DayZ)

    Realism vs keeping new players

    Just so we're clear, they removed guns, beans, and water to drastically axe the team matches going on at the shore. And it has done pretty damn good at it, you sometimes find someone else unarmed and bond in a non-sexual manner. Or sexual, if you're into strangers in polygon outfits.
  10. But I don't want to play with retarded strangers I say just nerf miltiary weapons and overall ammo drops
  11. Coty (DayZ)

    Fully populated night servers / More NVGs

    -shrug- I play on night servers all the time with a flashlight and flares. Safer from bandits at the cost of navigation and vision. Its your choice.
  12. Coty (DayZ)

    Currant server system.

    Keep it simple stupid. All this suggestion does is make getting back into the game after you goto bed harder, and keeps servers crowded. The obvious solution is the same as the current PVP mechanic. Just force players to sit unconcious for a while after disconnecting and reconnecting to another server.
  13. Coty (DayZ)

    Family Mechanic[Serious Thread]

    Oh man that picture my sides
  14. Coty (DayZ)

    Family Mechanic[Serious Thread]

    This sounds like it'd introduce a new teabag mechanic. RAPERAPERAPERAPERAPERAPERAPERAPERAPERAPERAPERAPERAPERAPERAPERAPERAPERAPERAPERAPERAPERAPERAPERAPERAPERAPERAPERAPERAPERAPERAPERAPERAPERAPERAPERAPERAPERAPERAPERAPERAPERAPERAPERAPERAPERAPERAPERAPERAPE Edit: On a more serious note, this is just stupid. Theres always, you know, just saying your husband and wife. If your having kids in the middle of a zombie Apocalypse, you're a burden to the human race