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Will Churchill

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Everything posted by Will Churchill

  1. Will Churchill

    Team up NY first person only

    I used to play dayz on Playstation a few years ago but quit when all the dupping ruined the game. Now I'm streaming on game pass and it runs alot better than I remember but still stuck at 30fps which I think is a disgrace to the console community. A ton of content has been added and tweaked since then it almost feels like a completely new game which is great but the 1st person severs are empty most of the time which i have a hard time understanding. You would think people would enjoy the more realistic engaging experience but I guess the pampered version appeals more to the youngsters idk. Anyway i have a few cool little spots in the works if anyone is interested in hanging out and maybe get a flag pole built somewhere. I had everything needed in my backpack one play through but got sniped in the head before I could get it built but its something that's new and haven't seen before so I'm not giving up haha. Please have central for dayz app and a handheld transceiver.