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About Likvid-cb38db5edb1efdb0

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  1. Likvid-cb38db5edb1efdb0

    The T-Rex doesn't want to be fed. He wants to hunt.

    Honestly, for me this event also breaks the immersion. I generally try not to play on official servers during such events. Santa's sleigh falling, pumpkins on heads, goats with glowing eyes? This is a game about survival in the post-apocalypse, about the harsh stories of survivors, and not a circus with seasonal events like "find a free NVG under the Christmas tree" or "kill a goat in a witch's hat". Maybe my opinion will not be popular, but I see Dayz as a serious game.
  2. Likvid-cb38db5edb1efdb0

    Dayz's Flawed Foundations: Movement and Gunplay

    It's sad to see that this idea, which touches on such important issues, does not attract the attention of developers. Moreover, it does not find support from some players, which is even sadder. The player base has changed, has become more arcade. Only we are left, dreaming of those changes that were promised and lost long ago.
  3. Likvid-cb38db5edb1efdb0

    Сharacter's starting spawn

    Nice idea. I would expand on it a little - we spawn well-fed and healthy, but without items in our pockets. In my opinion, this will make more sense.
  4. Likvid-cb38db5edb1efdb0

    DO Not Shrink the Slots in Clothes in Update 1.26!!!

  5. Likvid-cb38db5edb1efdb0


    I'm all for this idea. The gameplay needs to be slowed down - dangerous zombies, dangerous diseases, reasonable stamina usage. Some people constantly run around like crazy, not afraid of stamina usage. Sleep is just the necessary respite. And it's not necessary to make a realistic system in which you need to sleep 8 hours for everything to be fine. You can make a simple system - a person carries a lot of equipment, or constantly runs around like crazy, his maximum stamina reserve begins to gradually decrease. Over time, when stamina reaches 75% or 50% of the maximum, his stamina regeneration rate begins to decrease. Do you want to get your stamina back to maximum? Sleep is your solution.
  6. Likvid-cb38db5edb1efdb0

    Craft sling before you can shoulder weapon

    I like the idea. It's definitely better than having rifles glued to your back by an unknown force. I suggest adding several options for gun slings - tactical, military (can be found at military sites), civilian (cities, villages), homemade (can be made from leather, rope or rags, for example). And let there be a chance to find a weapon already with a gun sling. A gun sling can look like one of the weapon modules, like a camouflage net or a flashlight. It would also be nice to be able to carry a weapon on a sling not only on your back.
  7. Likvid-cb38db5edb1efdb0

    Z-apocalypse with useless zombies.

    Fully agree. Now people are more afraid of being shot by other people, rather than being eaten alive. How many people are now hiding from the infected? People are not afraid to be seen by the dead, and if they are found, you can always lock the infected in the house and go about your business. People are not afraid to shoot near the infected, because often they are deaf and do not even want to get to the source of the shot. And because most often three cripples will run out to them, which the players will quickly shoot. And that's it, you can go in and scrounge all the houses. The dead must be dangerous. They must break through doors and windows, they must climb high ground where players often hide, and there must be a lot of them (like on Namalsk). And since they're already dead, they should be harder to kill. Hiding from them must be beneficial.
  8. Likvid-cb38db5edb1efdb0

    No cooking pots in back pockets of jeans 😎

    It was long overdue to do so. Pistols in a T-shirt, submachine guns in pants, car batteries in jackets... People should value backpacks and other similar containers more. But there will definitely be a need to rethink the size of most things. And, as already mentioned, quick access to things in a backpack should be removed.
  9. Likvid-cb38db5edb1efdb0

    bed roll/sleeping bag.

    There are already several mods that add "fatigue" (like "hunger" and "thirst", the icons of which we already have), which affects the restoration of the stamina bar and the movement/vision/sound of the character. I think it would be nice if this was added to the game on a permanent basis. Animations are already there, it will not be difficult to add sleeping bags.
  10. I hope that the developers (or someone close to them) will look into this topic. I have been waiting for the normal inertia of the characters and gunplay for a very long time. As well as a reworked stamina and inventory system. This is 1000 times better than adding new assault rifles and machine guns. These changes will turn the game.
  11. Likvid-cb38db5edb1efdb0

    Heli crash or heli trash?

    I don't agree about NVGs (they are rare and I'm fine with that), but in general the gear that spawns in helicopter crash sites should be more varied. Perhaps it would be worth including weapons from the infected zones there. I'm tired of finding AUG and Famas in these places for the hundredth time. Previously, finding a crashed helicopter caused great joy, now - not so much. Some people are already saying not to bother with helicopters, which means something is definitely wrong.
  12. Likvid-cb38db5edb1efdb0

    In-game messaging

    So, if people can write nasty things on paper, it's over? I don't want to lose such an amazing feature because of this nonsense.
  13. Likvid-cb38db5edb1efdb0


    I think sometimes it's worth making indulgences for the sake of gameplay. Even though this game tries to be "realistic". Although I agree with you.
  14. Likvid-cb38db5edb1efdb0

    Fish on the shore

    Quite an interesting and easily implemented idea. +1
  15. Likvid-cb38db5edb1efdb0

    Experimental Update 1.18 (Change Log)

    I love how after the first experimental patch 1.18 people said that it was pointless to build bases now, because there were so many ways to destroy them, and very quickly. Now people are unhappy that it takes a long time to blow up the base. I find it funny. I think that we need to find some intermediate solution between "12 grenades" and "1 plastic explosive and we're inside."