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Everything posted by Cosmic4

  1. Think about it, if you are getting shot at and running for your life, you should be able to sprint at full fucking speed. You would think you would ignore being tired and just run like hell. I know if someone was shooting at me and I went into shock I would run as fast as I can. What I mean is, you should be able to sprint for a lot longer while in shock.
  2. Cosmic4

    Suggestion for new city

  3. I don't like it, it's fun when you and your pals die, and finding each other is fun. It's always that magical moment when you spot each other in the distance and run at each other singing a happy song. But seriously, spawning large groups like that would be bad.
  4. Cosmic4

    Backstory and Character Expansion

    This would break the game. Residents would just be griefers who go on high-pop servers with there spawned in guns and just go out murdering in a Cherno until they died. Then, they would respawn, in the same place, with a gun, and run around and do it again. I am against this idea.
  5. And how would this work for me? I have bad internet that drops a lot, so I would unfairly lose my gear due to my internet being terrible.
  6. DayZ Name : Cosmic ]How long have you played DayZ : Since the dawn of time (A little over 2 and a half months) Time Zone: Central (Minnesota) Will you stay loyal to our group?: Yes What is your primary role requested?: (I.E. Sniper, Medic, Engineer) Medic
  7. Cosmic4

    PvE DayZ servers petition.

    No. Play the real fucking game.
  8. Cosmic4

    Some suggestions

    No skills, for the love of god, NO SKILLS.
  9. Cosmic4

    My DayZ Resume!

    Ruined when he said he was 13.
  10. Cosmic4

    What I would like DayZ to become.

    I think the map should be like Chernarus, but 2-3 times bigger, and have an average of 100 players.
  11. I made that my new signature :D
  12. You die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.
  13. Cosmic4

    Acts Of Banditry Compilation 1

    You guys are shit bandits, but I still had a good laugh watching.
  14. Cosmic4

    [Recruiting] The Brigade

    Interested, PM'd.
  15. Cosmic4

    Banditry deterrant

    No. There is no need to punish bandits. Its unfair. DayZ needs nothing like that, you should feel bad for killing someone. YOU should feel it, not the game feeling it for you. This is just butt hurt survivors trying to play the good guy. In movies the good guys always win, but in DayZ, you are just asking to get ass raped.
  16. Cosmic4

    Reviving a dead person

    Too OP. My idea: Crashed ambulances: Rare as crashed heli, spawn on the side of any road. Has a %.99 chance to spawn a defibrillator (rare as a ghilie suit). Defibrillator: Takes 6 seconds to recharge, requires batteries to be used, has a %20 chance to revive a dead player. The player only has 30 seconds to be revived. Battery: Spawns in residential areas, gives the defibrillator 30 uses. Seems more balanced.
  17. Cosmic4

    BDB Recruitment

    Fail group name.
  18. Hello, I am starting US based bandit clan. We do not have a name yet, but we will get one once we get all our members. I'm looking for 4-6 players, all with specific roles for the team. These are the roles I've come up with. Overwatch: Has a sniper rifle, provides overwatch for the rest of the team while they loot/raid. Medic: Carries most of the medical supplies, should have a silenced weapon since carrying valuable supplies. Navigator: Leads the team when traveling and raiding, gets map, compass, and other navigating tools first. Weapons would be pretty much anything. Gunman/Looter: Would be given the biggest backpacks to carry other supplies, like food. Would also be given the most powerful guns we find, such as LMGs. Also the teams primary fighter in PvP situations. These are all the roles I can think of, but you know any more, please reply to this thread! I also have a few requirements if you want to join: 1. Be mature 2. Don't have a little squeaky annoying voice. 3. Have a good microphone (Not a lot of background noise, easy to understand) 4. Live in the USA or Canada. 5. Able to be online a lot of the time. Thank you for reading, and I hope to hear from you soon. Here is how you can contact me: Steam: vinchenzo004 Skype: anthon_rayd
  19. Cosmic4


    Any reason newbies are posting in suggestions?
  20. ABOUT US Hello! My friend Sephka and I have started a new DayZ clan called BB Corp. (Blue Bandits Corp.) We are going to be playing the bandit play style, kill anyone that isn't us. We want to be productive and get things done, such as setting up multiple base camps on multiple servers, getting vehicles, and having fun while doing it. We are looking for players that can joke around, but can also be serious when we get in a firefight or raiding a high threat area, such as Stary or NWAF. We are also going to have different roles for each player, so that we don't have 5 people fighting over who gets to be the sniper. We hope to talk to you soon! MINIMUM JOINING REQUIREMENTS 1. Must have a quality mic (Not fuzzy, not a lot of background noise) 2. Must be able to participate and play a lot (Not gone for days at a time) 3. Must of had the game for 1-2 weeks, and must be willing to learn. 4. Must be able to be serious when in intense situations. CONTACT INFORMATION My Info: Steam: Vinchenzo004 Skype: anthony_Rayd Sephka Info: Steam: Sephka
  22. DayZ user name : Cosmic How long have you been playing DayZ : Two months, almost since the beginning. What is your time of area : [Pacific, eastern, etc] Central Timezone (Minnesota) Will you provide as much support as we will support you? : [Yes/no] Yes, obviously. What is your primary weapon of choice : [sniper, Machine gunner, Support, etc] My favorite weapon is a Bizon SD or an M4 CCO SD. I would also like to state that I've helped run clans before, and am experienced with groups in DayZ. Steam: vinchenzo004 Skype: anthony_Rayd