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About Slev

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  1. My friend and I were raiding NW Airfield. We were cautious, but a player snuck up on him and put a shot in his back from an m14. I circle back, strafe the door and pop a shot in to the bandit's neck. Next thing I know, he's disappeared from my screen. You win combat d/cer.
  2. I'm sure most people will disagree with this sentiment, but I absolutely love those first 10-30minutes of being weaponless. It forces you to play a completely different game than the one most of us have been playing. With no weapon I don't fear other players, I mean, they can shoot me, sure, but it's not a big deal. No, I fear zeds. I need food and water, which means I have to go where zeds are. This is terrifying, you come up on a town and see zeds meandering around in the street. "Dammit" you say to yourself. You crouch walk close than spend 10 minutes prone crawling in to the one building that might have food. It's a bust. This is why I come back to dayz time and time again, it's the gameplay that isn't pvp that's the draw. Nothing is more fun and terrifying than crawling 5 meters from a zed, knowing if he spots you, you'll be running down a road for a kilometer trying to lose him.
  3. Slev

    Why I hate PvP in DayZ

    It's not movies, I'm not talking about force knockback. My god the .45 at close range absolutely shreds a soft target. This isn't movies, this is reality, the round was adopted specifically for that purpose. It's lag, not realism, because the person would die. If you play regular arma singleplayer, you'll see all the larger rounds down a target in one shot to the chest.
  4. Slev

    Why I hate PvP in DayZ

    Septus, at anything under 30 meters bulletproof vests provide minimal protection. Even if the rounds don't penetrate, the force will break ribs and incapacitate. The thing is, the .45 has the kind of stopping power that overcome adrenaline, taking a round from it at under 10m will knock you completely back in addition to killing you. It's lag, it sucks, but it happens.
  5. Slev

    Why I hate PvP in DayZ

    Yeah, I do my best to always attack from corners now, so I can put the shots in, the dash behind the corner before the return fire happens. Just earned an akm in cherno.
  6. Slev

    building explosion in cherno

    I once saw a hacker fire a rocket at the church in elektro. Fun times.
  7. Slev

    Additional textures

    I just bought both PMC and BAF today and what I've noticed is that on top of the civilian clothes, all the roads and landscape textures seem to be far improved.
  8. Slev

    Why I hate PvP in DayZ

    I'd much prefer not to shoot on sight, but I've met far too many players who say over local, "I'm friendly don't shoot." I hold my fire and then the person puts multiple bullets in to my body.
  9. Slev

    Why I hate PvP in DayZ

    Not with the .45, it was originally adopted by the army to kill filipino islanders on a psyclobin derivative because the .38 wasn't cutting it.
  10. Slev

    Why I hate PvP in DayZ

    Well, I didn't want to die, if you'd prefer I put it that way. I loled, alfa, but realistically, a .45 at that range doesn't suggest someone should stop, it usually has the affect of "death", arma must just be too realism.
  11. This isn't a general, pvp is pointless, etc. thread. This is the core reason why I don't like pvp. Today I was in elektro, I knew the risks and I was ready to die. I was in the supermarket and encountered another player. I quickly raised my 1911 and fired four shots in to his chest. Then, he took 5 steps forward, hit me with an axe. I fell over and died. Server log reads out Slev was killed. "Guy I shot" was killed. I shot first, did everything right, but still died. It's not that I don't enjoy pvp or dayz, but it gets frustrating when you do it right, but still die.
  12. This stat would not necessarily cause any extra adverse effects from being shot, but it would add in an extra effect. Bullet Wound - If a user disconnects from a server while suffering from a bullet wound, they will die when they reconnect. This would be similar to the shock, in how if you log out in shock, you log in unconscious. I feel this would be the most immersive way to prevent the still prevalent, "log out when shot." To remove the effect, all the player would have to do is use a bandage. Which, you have to anyone to stop blood loss, this would at least force a player to spend at a minimum 10 seconds in game after being shot.
  13. I was able to go over it twice, then when I went back again, my glass legs gave up.
  14. The problem I have with the rubble isn't its purpose, I understand it's to make it harder to get in. The problem I have is that I've broken my legs three times on it and died... it's rubble, not a heat seeking bear trap.
  15. Slev

    Change to how tents work.

    Not just a player id, but a server id, so they still work the same way, the data is just stored on the player's info instead of the server's