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About Stuart0m

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    On the Coast

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    ZEED - Usually playing on the UK servers.
  1. hmmmm think this has been taken the totally wrong way by you evox, its not that I cannot scavange, ive had an M4A1 CCO with full ammo and other things, it was just a case of I wanted to know what it felt like and now Im sharing my experience. Not saying I cannot survive on my own and I have to kill. Chill out.
  2. Wellllllll as the title says I literally couldnt sleep one night due to this game! I have been playing it for a while now, surviving to eventually be killed by someone hit by the 'paranoia' we all get hit with. So I spawned in cherno and found a hatchet and due to not having much to lose I was running around trying to find people to loot as I thought 'Thats it no more trust im going to kill on sight.' I found someone just on the outskirts of Cherno crouching with a hatchet too so I thought as a bit of fun i'll go kill him and then i'll have a taste for it. Anyway he stood up as soon as he saw me and started sprinting towards the hills/trees, little did i know he was running towards a friend on vent/mumble and i spotted him looking at me with binocs and then changing to a lee enfield, he was screaming over mic asking if I was friendly, at this point I had a zombie chasing me, I told him I just wanted him to kill the zombie. He did. I told him I had blood bags and as payment I would give him a blood transfusion, he complied and even offered me food for it, when I was behind him I murdered him with the hatchet and then his friend who turned out to have a pistol, he shot me and broke my leg, because I was laid down he thought I was dead. SOOOOOOOO I killed him too, bandaged up and then repaired my broken bone and have lived ever since. I just want to say IM SORRY and I seriously dont know how you bandits do it, specially if you earn trust then murder them! Dont get me wrong I love the fact there are bandits out there as I dont think this game would be as good without them. This game is clearly outstanding if it can make someone feel morally wrong, has anyone else had this experience? If so Rocket&team, you've done a fantastic job lads, well done. Sorry for rambling, this confession means I can sleep now.