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Everything posted by ChubRollin

  1. ChubRollin

    Wound infections coming.

    All rags, bandages, and sewing kits will have a chance to make your wound infected. You'll have to disinfect them first before applying to a wound. Item damage is irrelevant but if they become damaged after you have disinfected you'll have to re-disinfect. Tetracylcine treats wound infection and takes ~5 pills at infection stage 2 iirc
  2. ChubRollin

    DayZ Wipe Announcement 1.13

    lol gamers are psychotic
  3. ChubRollin

    Night of the Witches

    Well you can also get witch loot
  4. ChubRollin

    Night of the Witches

    was super spooky stumbling upon this one as I was following someone at the time. also not very green of the firefighters to use tires as fuel