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Everything posted by atomic-cement69

  1. atomic-cement69

    DayZ Update 1.12

    Mod suggestion: to add an mg attachment on the hatch in the military truck. So it is easier to defend and you can climb into the hatch and shoot out as being inside the truck is defenceless to attackers as they can go up front and cut you off. Would make the truck more useful in road blockades and robberies. It could be either very rare or expensive though as it would be overpowered. The weapon could also have a lot of muzzle flash and could be extremely loud to make it more balanced as players will come and try to oppose to gain the weapon for themselves
  2. atomic-cement69

    Can't hear own footsteps

    If you’re on Xbox then go into your settings. Go into network settings. Advanced settings and clear your mac address. It’s worked for me multiple times. Also works with game chat bugs too