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About harr0w

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  1. harr0w

    DayZ at GamesCom

    will we get any new info out of gamescon regarding the standalone???
  2. kudos to people who can report a bug without crying like a little girl id give you all my beans if i could but im lazy. its an alpha that means there are going to be plenty more bugs, your probably going to die randomly get hacked and lose all your shit numerous more times than this. hackers wont vanish until the standalone appears so stop crying and start reporting. once again its a fucking alpha (grow up there will be bugs).
  3. kudos to people who can report a bug without crying like a little girl id give you all my beans if i could but im lazy. its an alpha that means there are going to be plenty more bugs, your probably going to die randomly get hacked and lose all your shit numerous more times than this. hackers wont vanish until the standalone appears so stop crying and start reporting. once again its a fucking alpha (grow up there will be bugs).
  4. fraid not mate no training wheels needed. wallhack your talking as much BS as the other guy. ive played arma for years pal ace and normal. its kit the acts pretty much like its very powerful real life counterparts (maybe a tad on distance but not by much). your just whinners if its that bad they would remove it from the game which it isnt. so deal with it. people please stop talking to me about this now im bored already.
  5. sr pal i wasnt trying to asuume anything. i was first and foremost defending myself against a little upstart. i was trying to get my point across that nurfing it wasnt a good idea. a scope that has changed even since arma so for new comers to whin and get a change like that was wrong. the game is brutal and all aspects should remain as so including the l85.
  6. good. to break something because there whinning bastards like gobacktgo is stupid especially in a game thats built around one of the most realistic games around arma. 35,000 extra players most of migrated from cod and BF3 never a good thing.
  7. it doesnt make it easy at all probably easy spotting your noob like ways. ive played arma for god knows how long and dayz for about three months the weapon didnt need changing and your a fuckwit if you think it did. your statement alone says you have never had the gun. bitterness never gets you anywhere little boy
  8. been here practically since day one cretin
  9. of late ive been playing the game pratically since day one. l85 thermal was good for one thing spotting not killing at range so to nurf it was a terrible idea. the gun is pretty much equal if not worse than most in a fire fight. carry on whinning the game will be terrible by the time you lot habe finished with it.
  10. why break the thermal thats a joke because the noobs cant be arsed working to find one, so they stumble into dangerous areas thats fucking pathetic. now the games being changed because of the whinning cod and bf3 players who want it easy this game isnt easy you have to work for your equipment.and learn where you shouldnt go if your not ready for it. so now players who worked for there stuff are getting punished wow ruin this fame just like dice did with BF3.
  11. harr0w

    Bring DayZ to console aswell!

    erm no. not happening. but hey you may get imitators on the platforms.
  12. harr0w

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    wow crazy comments about warZ the game looks and sounds complete pants. it could just about pass as a cartoon it looks horrible. not to mention the wow/battlefield template shite. id bet money on it that half of thoughs features they spouted as well didnt even come to the table until dayZ took the world by storm. poor poor imitator of a gritty nasty realistic superb survival zombie game, nothing else comes close.
  13. harr0w

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    the announcement was the best news ive heard all month can not wait.
  14. harr0w

    some suggestions & thoughts

    updated (20.to 28.)