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Everything posted by scott8295

  1. http://www.dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=1689 <--players banned http://www.dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=1689&pid=16152#pid16152 <-- rockets post So from reading the first link, it appears I am on the banned list, which confused me cause I don't think I did anything wrong...As from rockets post it says if a error in the ban has occurred, it can be overturned and I know for sure I didn't do anything wrong, yesterday for 2-3 hours I watched this kids stream of him cheating in DayZ, even made a post about it down below. http://www.dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=1641 In this thread, I am showing pictures, stream video recording of PZero cheating with Kitty kitty pew pew, shows them cheating in a server spawning guns, tping to the air field, and then going to a new server to server hop and kill people. I don't know why I was banned...If there is a reason I would like to know why, but if there is no reason I would like to know if I can get this overturned so I can continue playing on DayZ Servers. I appreciate it, thanks.
  2. scott8295

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    lol..its been two weeks and I still get no help on my situation of being banned for no reason. All most feels like they put names in a hat and drew up my name to be banned.
  3. scott8295

    Ban appeal I guess

    Never got taken care of, After I gave my ID nothing was done about it, I had to leave town for work and I'm back and seeings its been two weeks, Nothing still has been done.
  4. scott8295

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    Character was never fixed, never had anybody respond to me other than *please wait* Guess they are to busy to help somebody that helped them
  5. scott8295


    beard or no beard, a shot from a cz will still hurt
  6. scott8295

    Ban appeal I guess

    I did, I finally got a reply asking for my name and my ID, now waiting for another reply! ^_^
  7. scott8295

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    Still waiting
  8. scott8295

    Ban appeal I guess

    Thousand Views, and nothing still, NICE!
  9. scott8295

    DayZ Update 1.5.7

    I tried it all Lofty.. I'll try IRC again.
  10. scott8295

    DayZ Update 1.5.7

    Still banned though
  11. First let me start this by saying I am from a CSS community known as ESEA, along with others we play this mod and enjoy it very much (over 20 threads with 300 post we love it) a ESEA'r got a server recently, his name is maggot (hes offline right now) He made it private for us ESEA'rs to enjoy awhile together. Long story short a guy with a clan tag of OSK Pzero's had a stream on twitch TV, of him cheating with this kid named kittkittypewpew (hes 15 from norway) He even recorded the kid spawning him night vision goggles, M4s with lots of clips..EVEN spawning vehicles... It fucking takes the fun away from this game when you have douchebags like these... Here is his twitch TV right now, They are "Trying to play legit* but the shit they have right now was ALL spawned. Look at their kills.. NOTE THIS, ONLY PZERO AND KITTYKITTYPEWPEW are the cheaters, everybody else seen in the video is a victim and was not wanting to be apart of it. They had no idea he was cheating. http://www.twitch.tv/trevorr2004 I made a post on the esea.net forums This is it. "So after raping them, p0s threatens bringing in a cheater he met last night, I note that I will have maggot ban him, 10 minutes later Kitty Pew pew joins in spawning behind people, trying to kill everybody but failed 10 times..But kills xerian twice. After being called out, they got quiet for hours, if you want proof http://www.twitch.tv/trevorr2004/b/31771... <-- MUST WATCH (He just deleted it, somebody showed him this thread) The video of him meeting the cheater. http://img138.imageshack.us/img138/4488/lolntw.jpg The cheater in mumble http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/528/15647996.jpg/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/441/findingthecheater.jpg/ <--- that pic is important. (edit) Becoming friends with him. His name is kittypewpew or w/e. Time to snipe peeps! and its not like 10 other people didn't witness this, He can't spawn on buildings, he had to spawn below so he couldn't kill me or vampy, Just anybody below shit." Watch the twitch TV VIDEO, as proof of him raging about the cheater during him playing, then in the end (pictures of it too) becoming friends with the little kid to be friends. *EDIT* Hes now deleting his stream videos cause somebody said something about it, But he doesn't know I'm recording.
  12. scott8295

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    Well, Idk how long its been but no response from ANYBODY..I even blatantly tried to talk to rocket in this forum and just ignores me lol...W/e...Tattle on a hacker and get him banned, Then you get banned for doing it I guess.
  13. scott8295

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    Omg..you spoke ;O...do meeee now :o *edit* In case you think I am associated with pzero.. (I made a thread to get him banned should already be enough info) BUT..... http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/577/proofgv.jpg/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/844/proof2uj.jpg/ Hes saying he is still able to play (I doubt it) prob just lying
  14. Before my character got corrupted, wait time for me was max at 5 minutes. Maybe its your computer?
  15. scott8295

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    Thanks!!! I just typed up a huge email and sent it :P
  16. scott8295

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    I just e-mailed two of them, and PM one of them, Hopefully I can get some help soon :D *edit* Here is the thread I made to get PZERO banned- http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=1641
  17. scott8295

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    Yeah I got him banned (At least I think I did) He was streaming LIVE as he was cheating, so I recorded it and took pictures, posted it on the forums..BUT now the weird thing is..I got banned too..idk. But Rocket say if there was an error in the ban it can be overturned but..I been trying for almost 2 days now :(
  18. scott8295

    Ban appeal I guess

    Guess nobody is willing to comment on this..or even attempt to discuss this situation with me...agh.. *edit* Finally got some intel and a e-mail that I can type to for some help :D
  19. scott8295

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    Just getting ready to give up.
  20. scott8295

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    I'm trying >.
  21. scott8295

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    I'm not even banned from servers.. My character is just corrupted and I can't do anything. I don't even understand..
  22. scott8295

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    Well..I'm pretty sure all the people in the thread I made can vouch for me that I never meant to do anything harmful to anybody in the servers (meaning I never cheated) All I did was get that pzero guy banned for cheating and now suddenly I am on the same boat...I wish there was some more answers :(
  23. So was playing with 6 of my friends, heading up far north to Novy, the server kept lagging and shit for hours, then it finally got a restart, as everybody was connecting back (including myself) said "You are banned." Nobody else was though...?? Whats the problem??? Is this a glitch?? or did I just get banned for no reason? WELL, I joined their teamspeak wearelegion.ts.nfoservers.com :alpha (lets put a pw on it but make it public) I tried to talk to a guy named chu??? And apparently I got banned for a good reason that he couldn't tell me, till tomorrow. I killed a legion person 2 hours ago, and I don't know if this is for that reason, but if it is, thats pretty lame. W/e 20 other servers and my friend is getting his own.
  24. scott8295

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    When will we know when this gets sorted out :/