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Everything posted by Melita01

  1. These are experiences from private server which we setup to basically see and do stuff we normally can't. Besides it being a private server, it's as vanilla as they come. What the fuck developers? Case 1, damaged car. Now ok, damaged car despawns, although I'm not sure why. Especially when it still has loot and car parts on it! I don't care that the chassis is red, all the car parts (battery, doors, wheels) plus player loot in the trunk are there yet the car despawns. Really? Just why?! At least put some sensible timer on it, like five days or something. How much imagination does it require to come up with a use case when someone would use the damaged car as a storage or car parts re-supply? That it may take several hours until the player can remove all that can be removed from the damaged car #D6D6D6 https://showbox.bio/ https://tutuapp.uno/. Case 2, car parked. Undamaged. Oh yes. So we wet out scavenging for resources to the lumbermill near Myshkino, got hit by heavy rain and so I parked the car near containers. You know, the slightly raised platform with a roof over it. Makes quite sense in the rain and generally speaking a it's a good spot to park the car. We looted for a bit and then logged off in a garage. This morning I went to have a quick look and the CAR IS GONE! Just because it was not on flat ground or what the fuck? And again all the loot and car parts, totally undamaged and you fuck us over like this?! I though car were bad because of desync issues but I haven't had enough coffee yet to express what bullshit this is. In contrast, when I killed two pigs an gutted them, their remains were in the game for the next TWO DAYS! Dear DayZ devs, just play the game for a while. You know rent a server and run around like a real player would. No console cheating, no custom spawn. Try to experience the game as a player does. Otherwise you will never fix this in a million years and I can submit all the bug reports I want. Parking a car somewhere is the most common situation car allows. Be proactive for a change, play your game and discover this shit for yourselves.