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About weeman0

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  1. Nevermind, found a helo crash with antibiotics and painkillers, have enough meat to get back to 100%
  2. weeman0

    Getting a sniper Rifle.

    1)find lee enfield 2) go to populated sever 3) go to cherno/elektro hills 4)??? 5)profit
  3. weeman0

    What do YOU carry?

    m4a1 cco sd with 6x mags, as50 or dmr (depending on if it's daytime or nighttime) with 6x mags, m9sd with 6x mags, 2x bandages, 2x meat, 2x water, 2x morphine, 2x grenade, 2x bloodbag, 2x painkillers and 2x epi pen most of the time, will always try to keep food/water/bandages at a minimum of 2 edit: forgot my painkillers
  4. weeman0

    If we killed you... Sorry?

    how does one shit on a standing man's head...
  5. weeman0

    So I was sniping

    Correct, he also could've spawned there.
  6. weeman0


  7. So this playthrough i'm upto 34 days and only 4 murders (0 bandit kills)...i prefer not to shoot other players if i can avoid being detected. I can't remember my first kill...i think someone was shooting at one of my friends. Second kill, was escorting my brother through a quick loot run through elektro, searching the office and see a ghillie suit dart past the ground floor door (we were on the second floor). We hit the deck, i move out onto the roof to get a better look...Survivor running around the hospital...he starts heading east out of elektro when we hear shots from the north...he swings north, gets on a small hill just east of us...starts taking shots with an l85 at what i assume is the other survivor we heard shooting...i line his head up with my m24 and squeeze the trigger...we didn't need to stay in elektro for any more loot. Third kill...i was up at the NW airfield searching for anything of use. I enter the far NW barracks in a crouch, not being as cautious as i probably should've been as there was a chemlight out front...first room is empty...open the door to the second room and there's a player lying there facing away from me...by some miracle i realise he hasn't noticed me...I aim my m4a3 cco at the base of his neck and say through direct "don't move a muscle or i'll unload on you, i'm not interested in bloodshed today" He starts turning around to his right (im on his left) i unload on him...i was surprised he didn't log off. Forth kill was shortly after. i had just left the NW barracks and was heading to the southern barracks planning to head all the way around...i catch a glimpse of what appears to be a backpack shuffling through the trees directly ahead of me...i stop and take aim...a head pokes through the trees looking directly at me not 10 meters from me...i open fire without a second thought... Am I a bandit?
  8. Any particular reason for the kick and server lock at 3:20pm (GMT+10) time? update: two players on server, maev and dockmaster. server still locked
  9. weeman0

    I enjoy murdering people

    Lord fartus, are you a shrink? because if so you're a terrible one. Quit trying to analyze people over the internet based on the fact that they kill in a game that's features killing as a core element...it doesn't work and it makes you look stupid.
  10. i got my first vehicle today aswell. I was heading from devil castle to NW airfield, it was 10am on an aussie server, only 12 people on so i wasn't expecting to run into anyone out in the open...running alongside a road and a see movement on the hill, i hit the deck and roll into some nearby bushes, then binoc to see what it is...to my surprise there's a ute driving down the road i'm next to...heading right for me...i roll to the other side of the bushes planning to just let him drive past, then he veers of to the left, jumps out to kill a cow. He decides to swap to a hatchet to save ammo i guess...i decide to take this golden opportunity to try out my new sniper rifle. While he's fidling around in his inventory i line him up with my m24...CRACK first shot hits his torso, he drops...not unconsious but hurting...he gets into a crouched position and spins around, trying to figure out where i am...CRACK second shot hit's his leg (i'm a bad shot)...he starts to go down and then he suddenly disappears...bastard alt-f4'd... I sprint the ~100 meters to the ute, jump in, smile at the fact that it has a full tank and only has slight hull damage i then gun it towards the forest. After i'd been driving for about a minute i decide to see what i've scored... two xbows, a cz, some meat, a few other odds and ends and 2 full jerry cans...and 9 satchel charges... Happy days.
  11. weeman0

    You meet some weird people in DayZ!

    malino...is ma budddeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehh
  12. weeman0

    DayZ Stories

    YOU MONSTERS! The man was pleading for his life...you should've healed him...then shot him...then healed him...then shot him again....
  13. weeman0

    Gear/Bag Tutorial video

    pretty decent guide, they have a few more videos aswell.