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About gingerwarlord

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    Woodland Warrior

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    Gaming + Gaming.
  1. gingerwarlord

    Increase view distance.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I've heard it said that this is due to ArmA 2 Free being used, instead of ArmA 2.
  2. I doubt this will apply at all, but after buying an extra fan to cool my laptop all fps drop problems left me. Good luck with finding the cause of the problem.
  3. Nothing as of yet... I think it's just an effect of having a MASSIVE mod built around an even bigger game... I hate the lag, but since there's a Standalone on it's way I'm content with accepting it.
  4. gingerwarlord

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    I killed two people BEFORE the update, and after about 6hours of playing I havn't lost the skin. I believe you hafta go from the -2000 required for the bandit skin, all the way back up to the +5000 for the "Good Guy" skin. Considering that those 2 kills took me down to -3600 and I've just made it to +2700 I'm making good progress. It's tough though and this mechanic is not really accurate, but still very game-altering.
  5. gingerwarlord

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    I killed two people that were both trying to kill me. I am now "A bandit." FUCK MY LEAF
  6. gingerwarlord

    1.7.3 and dogs!!!

    Have you read the interviews? That's the basic effect of what they said. Either way it's looking like vaporware at the moment, so I can't really say they're taking ideas when chances are there isn't even a game.
  7. gingerwarlord

    1.7.3 and dogs!!!

    They said something to the effect of "DayZ is a mod, not a real game, so we can re-make it as a standalone because they have no copyright protection."
  8. gingerwarlord

    1.7.3 and dogs!!!

    I understand the copying part to an extent, but it's like they're attempting to replicate a cleaner version of the EXACT same game and it's THAT that I don't like. Yes his point is valid, but to be honest I'm not going to complain in the slightest. If the game was in Beta I'd fully support that part of his argument, but as things stand it's in alpha. Until it moves into Beta I am willing to accept any and all glitches that come my way. Including the awkward moment when the top step of a firestation assassinates me.
  9. gingerwarlord

    1.7.3 and dogs!!!

    Disappointed people!?!?!? Each Call of Duty game is a re-release of the last with a new story and a few new weapons! If that can keep people entertained after so long then this game will do fine.
  10. gingerwarlord

    1.7.3 and dogs!!!

    You didn't exactly explain yourself there. Mind giving it a go? I'm seriously intrigued as to how you can believe The War Z did not copy DayZ when they have completely admitted to it in interviews.
  11. gingerwarlord

    1.7.3 and dogs!!!

    You do realise this is a mod, right? The War Z is just a complete rip-off. I'm not going to go on about War Z, but I will say this: If THIS MUCH has been done when the game is in Mod stage, imagine what can be done in full stage. This is the equivalent of a PC being built in minecraft - Imagine how good a pc can be built in real life. When the DayZ standalone is finished The War Z will look aweful.
  12. gingerwarlord

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Still got visual artifacts in Stary. Definately originating from the dead soldiers. Vertical and Horizontal texture stretching, so I could mostly see what I was doing, but my two friends said they had no problem. If I were to describe it I'd say it was like a tower rising out of a soldier's corpse with a massive hip-high horizontal ring going out for as far as I could see. I would supply a screenshot if I had the capture software set up at the time :c I'm playing on a tragically bad laptop, so any specs I could give would merely make you weep.
  13. gingerwarlord

    Pending Update: Build

    Makes total fucking sense. Seriously man, if that's an accident you NEED to take a break :'D
  14. gingerwarlord

    Pending Update: Build

    The flashlight not working is (I think) to do with the priorities of different commands. Aim at the floor and just all-out mash the L key. It hasn't failed me yet.
  15. I'm running on a piece of shit laptop and I experience the exact same thing (with the exception that all my settings are on the lowest). A fix for this would be MASSIVELY appreciated.