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Officer Failure

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About Officer Failure

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    Woodland Warrior

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  1. Officer Failure

    Simple Suggestions To Reduce Frustration in Gunplay

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzkR6a6eX0o This video (mediocre quality, i know) from 1.18 is in that matter still up to date. If you play a little bit deathmatch server you're getting used to not using "aiming down sights" (ads) and that's sad. Unfortunately Dayz combat encourages some ridiculous combat behavior. Hipfire should be "spray and pray" and not a 40m hit guarantee, which can be kind of abusive if the server doesn't allow a center dot and you have a third party center screen dot (some gaming screens have this feature). Same with leaning - should be spray and pray around the corner. But what do we have - people standing in rooms and peek sniping out of windows. Combined with the sway eliminating "Hold breath" function does it lead to this (unintended?) behavior. This is exactly what i miss from the old Dayz. There was a lot more shooting and way less hitting. A sniping kill took quite some effort. Now you just stand in a bush and hold breath to get that point click death. Also if you have a random short range encounter its over within second especially if you spot a poor bastard drinking from a well regardless if 50m or 400. No need to wiggle in or position yourself (prone ofc) like in the old Dayz. That Hold breath function ruins (or dumbs down) long range shooting. Reducing sway instead of eliminating it during "hold breath" would be a simple change for good.
  2. Officer Failure

    Standalone LAN Server Issues

    Have you opened the ports on all routers for Dayz? Check out "portforwarding" for Dayz https://portforward.com/dayz/
  3. So in 1.22 they tweak around with shock and health damage of melee weapons. But i guess a lot of people won't be happy again because some weapons are getting weaker and being as weak as fists. Within shock and health you can't show stuff that hurts - but don't kill. To be beat but not dead, fist fighting is a good example. Why do you die so unrealistically fast? The game lacks a way to simulate pain. But the game has already introduced a good possibility to simulate pain. The bone stat, which heals faster than health but slower than shock (right now bone stats regens at 0,334/s which are 5 mins when its empty*). Unfortunately so far its only used for legs. And not really properly imo. It does only show you leg damage (icon) and when it reaches 120 then you get the leg break. What it should do is in the first 1/4 nothing then up to 2/4 show icon(warning) up to 3/4 slight consequences like no high climbing, more shock damage on fall (imagine jumping with a sprain ankle), no heavy lifting, slightly slower movement (like yellow health) and 3/4 to 4/4 walking like red health and when it reaches 120 leg break. With all this negative consequences for this body part it's reasonable if you don't loose much health -which is already the case. That's for the legs. If you roll this out for all body parts you can lower health damage on most melee weapons (again - stuff that hurts but don't kill) and bring consequences for each body part by a high bone damage. The game already collects bone damage stats according to these videos Some examples Head It should build up tunnel vision (screen) like when you have high shock damage. And when you have 100 - uncon and concussion (which lasts a little longer). Imagine getting head shot with a helmet on. All you get in 1.21 is getting uncon and a quarter health loss- which is so far reasonable. But you wake up and run away like nothing happened. With the use of the bone stat you could trigger the concussion. Hands You can do the math but that's the trickiest one to balance since, well, hands are crucial. But at the end - arm break. Body Basically parallel consequences like what you get from health, when its full you should get uncon or fall in pain and be locked for some seconds. So if you take the fists for example where with 1.21 it has 10 health and 15 shock damage. With all these bone changes you could change them to 2 health, 12 shock and 10 bone damage - a fight between players would be pretty much the same - one would fall uncon from either shock or bone but the health would still be 3/4 full with health. They would be beat like with yellow or red health but regen in a few minutes. There are a lot of good examples what it could balance - shots at plate carrier vest (you get little health damage, but that's still gotta hurt!) - rubber shells - taser and cattle prod (all bone damage from extremities should get to the body bone stat) *after the legbreak, you regen slower 0,06/s
  4. Officer Failure

    Experimental Update 1.22 (Change Log)

    Yo guys! There seems to be a problem with playing experimental (both builds) on windows 7. At least three people have this issue due to https://feedback.bistudio.com/T174350 (myself included 😄). The question i like to ask is: Has someone got this 1.22 experimental running on windows 7? What happens is, that the .exe crashes instantly when you start the game (or join a server) thru the launcher (at "Battleye: Starting the game") . If some people have it running we could exclude that it has something to do with this ass old operating system. It would suck if this experimental would go live stopping the win7 support (at least without warning).
  5. Officer Failure

    Dayz's Flawed Foundations: Movement and Gunplay

    No don't give up. This is an important matter. Because how do survivors die? Yea gunshots, probably 90% and that's why Dayz needs a good/better combat mechanic. Dayz is very good in a lot ways but combat sucks. A couple months ago a friend started with dayz (we played arma2 dayzmod a lot together) and he automatically kneels down or goes prone when he spots a player. Like in the old days(z) because that's how you got good shots. I had to learn him to shot straight away standing up with hold breath for those "point click kills" and its just supersad. There are all those great things like sway, dispersion, weight properly adjusted and effected with a decent stamina/breath system we could have the best gunfight mechanic what a great open word game like Dayz deserves. But whats best right now? Hard and heavy plate carrier + mosin (hello dispersion?) tldr More Arma2 less Cod
  6. Officer Failure

    Experimental Update 1.20 (Change Log)

    sadface.jpeg I understand that they needed a nerf but they sound like regular shoes now - noise and sound - is this intended? I mean shouldn't they be as loud as "athletic shoes" but with the "rag shoe" sound file? (which is the "no shoe" sound file i guess)
  7. Officer Failure

    Spring water

    I remember that i got worms from drinking water of clear rivers and little springs when i was on vacation once. Since then i very much understand this chlorine tablet thing and drinking from water pumps only in dayz.
  8. Officer Failure

    Dayz's Flawed Foundations: Movement and Gunplay

    I still don't get why people aren't bothered more by the "hold breath" function which eliminates sway. It makes kneeling and going prone absolute pointless. It ruins gunfights (mid range and long range) by instant super accurate shots. I still think that the gunfight fun would profit from reducing the sway to 50% (instead of the actual 100%) while holding the "hold breath" function. Perhaps you would finally need that third magazine...
  9. Officer Failure

    Dynamic event: Paratrooper crash site

    It sound reasonable but you would have to get that guy down somehow, like what, chopping down the tree?
  10. Officer Failure

    Zombie Damage

    It would be nice if you would still take a little damage when blocking, something like 10%. When playing with friends i noticed that this happens a lot and they just wait blocking in the corner until you help them. Or something like a additional zombie attack where they knock you on the floor - you cannot fall uncon there.
  11. Officer Failure

    Add money- banknotes to DayZ (PS4)

    The thing is You define your own goal - if you wanna cause havoc on the coastal freshies, building bases (ugh), stroll around bear hunting or playing the police officer and help out on the coast - you can do it all. You forget where this game comes from, Arma 2, you basically held a weapon in your hands all the time and there were no clothing at all (well 8 skins). Totally agree with that. That's not what i said - this is the official forum for the vanilla game - suggestions section. Where you discuss suggested things, new things, tweaks etc. for the vanilla game. And I tried to point out why money doesn't fit for the vanilla "hardcore" survival game (mind the double quotes) - my opinion. I play 90% modded servers btw - with mods you find your liking (at least if found mine) but i don't run around and say "yes the vanilla game should be like hardcore namalsk". It sucks that there are no Mods for console - hopefully one fine day Yea when I put my holey socks in the washer at home they also come out without holes ... they would have to add old babushkas for sockrepairing. 9 years and still ongoing. You have to be more realistic. Sure all those ambient stuff (people like me would say useless) would be nice but would overload the CLE, a lot of servers struggle already with 50+ people and their stored stuff. Power plants, restoring electricity, water pipes great - but you're talking about a different new game. The cow has been milked - you can only expect little. Basically all future updates are bonuses (maybe not the car one - or hacker security ones).
  12. Officer Failure

    Add money- banknotes to DayZ (PS4)

    So would toothpaste, nailpolish, staplers, pc monitors; lets see what else lies around ... But those things contribute nothing to satisfy the needs in a "real" zombie apocalypse - nothing for survival, crafting or fighting - just more useless stuff spawning. Roleplay and their elements doesn't really fit for the official zombie apocalypse servers. Some community servers offer that, others offer deathmatch and basically all things inbetween. The thing is 95% of inland deaths (at least mine) are from player gunshots- thats why balancing and bickering about it is important - it's a key element.
  13. After doing this about 30 times (it's not getting boring yet) i can say below 20m almost always hit 20 - 30m 1,5 bullets per hit 30 - 40m 2 bullet per hit above 40m I still hit quite some but i may need to test this on static dummys but I had some zombies hit on 80m tho. After using the search function (wasn't sure what you meant by aimcone) I saw that you posted about this some time ago, I guess this is still up to date It sucks that other games from the same studio do it better, it's like eating soup with a fork while there are spoons in the same house upstairs.
  14. Something about hip/shoulderfire
  15. Officer Failure

    Broken arm

    Trying to use a two handed weapon should cause shock damage - like jogging with a unfixes broken leg. Crafting should still be possible, but maybe not all actions or taking twice as long, i mean you should be able to craft a sling - if needed I would add falling from height too, if people fall from a ladder or something they sometimes break an arm or shoulder- it depends how they landing. So like in one of three cases a survivor should break an arm instead of an leg. But a bit more specific on how to get your arm broken from hand to hand or ranged damage. Copy paste leg break? 75 Shock damage on arms may seem to be the easy route but a bit unsatisfying imo.