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Everything posted by Hunting_Hornet

  1. Hunting_Hornet

    Console Update 1.23

    Im a little bit disappointed that we didn't get the good rays effect from the sun back on Console with the new skybox ....😭
  2. Hunting_Hornet

    PS5 V-Sync

    Hey guys, could someone please explain me the difference between Selective and Aktiv? Whats the difference and how does it affect the FPS? Thanks in advance
  3. Hunting_Hornet

    Scripters Question & Answer Thread

    I have a quick question regarding the settings of my private server. If players are hoarding packaged nails or ammo. Does it still spawn, does it have to be unpacked to continue spawning or does it no longer count towards the loot pool when hoarded? Would appreciate an answer very much Best regards from Germany
  4. Hunting_Hornet

    Experimental Update 1.15 (Changelog)

    Now we are spot on with the M4 Fire Rate! Nothing wrong here😍
  5. Hunting_Hornet

    Xbox Experimental Update 1.12 (Changelog)

    Why does the Pioneer Rifle use M4 Ammo instead of .308 Winchester or 7.62×51mm Rounds? Im curious
  6. Hunting_Hornet

    Xbox Experimental Update 1.12 (Changelog)

    AI is no longer taking damage from damage zones (fireplaces/barbed wire) Why? I found it so great that Infected and Animals got Damage when they where outside of my builded fences. And it was so cool that they finally worked as protection in my base from Zombies