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Hans Gruber-05d273451fd0263f

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Everything posted by Hans Gruber-05d273451fd0263f

  1. Hans Gruber-05d273451fd0263f

    Wound infection

    I'm agree with the first post, wound kill you too quickly and i've been wounded even with a clean rags, why my character make some pain sound like that: I don't wanna play theKAIRI78 rp simulator. Stop breaking my game and mold it for the poor IQ consol gamer that use "auto aim", i can't even take damage when i walk on fireplace!!! please and add a clear health/care system like in Project Zomboid. I'm also tired to see that: I wanna see people working on my game that i've paid, not pseudo-sjw hipsters that make "brainfapstorming"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Hans Gruber-05d273451fd0263f

    DayZ in 2021

    Create a big map including Livonia and Namalsk (link them with very dangerous pass like tunnel, swamp etc) with 400 slots servers, add season (some servers have winter Chernarus, drastically change the gamplay) . Gameplay/survive are ok, just need some little improvements or details. Loot and ressources are ok, its a survival game not crafting game. For weapons may be some bow or crossbow could be fun. More stance like in Arma3 (crouch, semi-crouch, etc) please. Add helicopter. Add Horde. Darker night.