Hi, I’m playing on PS5 in a community server where glitching into bases is banned (boosting and damage is fine)
does anyone know the safest building to secure in terms of gates, fences, watch towers etc I’m pretty new to the game. Me and my friend want to build a base but are concerned about using the wrong building
Me and 2 friends are desperate to build a base but we’re so frustrated at the under map glitch and worried about people just getting in unfairly. I’m happy to be raided etc but is there any point building a base on console?
does anyone have any advice for us. We play on the official servers for PS4/PS5 we have loads of building materials stored but are concerned we’ll be wasting our time.
any ideas on the best places?
or does anyone know of any safe base servers that still have a high player count? Would love a server that doesn’t allow exploiting but is still as populated as a normal server