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About DefectiveWater

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  1. DefectiveWater

    Dayz's Flawed Foundations: Movement and Gunplay

    Congrats @lakevu and everyone else involved in this thread.
  2. DefectiveWater

    The T-Rex doesn't want to be fed. He wants to hunt.

    There is no way to make a Christmas event not immersion breaking. If it really was an apocalyptic scenario, nobody would care about christmas, it's just another day that you have to survive. I honestly don't mind it, it doesn't last forever.
  3. DefectiveWater

    1.27 Experimental Release

    I see your point and I think it might boil down to lack of developers. While DayZ team is bigger than a couple of years ago, they are just now catching up with some things that were left on the shelf and collecting dust. They are also clearly working on some bigger stuff that isn't ready yet. To me, the patch seems not that interesting there are many minor changes - I love the addition of the input window to the mouse sensitivity slider. I personally took a break from the game and I'll probably come back to it once something major changes. I'm still waiting on that AI rework or gunplay rework which tbh wasn't promised, but it's due time it got an overhaul (should have happened at the same time inertia got added to completely change up the feel of the game).
  4. DefectiveWater

    A Good Way to Improve the CR-75

    +1 to improving CR-75 I like this idea from @Original_Name62. Short term Glock would be better, but if you stick with CR75 and upgrade it, CR75 should be better.
  5. DefectiveWater

    When will the new update be released?

    There are no announced updates from what I know. We'll probably get a minor Christmas event update. I assume it's going to be a couple of bug fixes, enabling Christmas event items and maybe some Sakhal additions.
  6. DefectiveWater

    DayZ Frostline Dev Blog Week 46

    I've experienced that bug every single time I play. It's been reported since October 9th. Still no fix. https://feedback.bistudio.com/T185255 Zombies stuck on building roofs and flying zombies - and in general AI issues. Inability to shoot out of vehicles (and vehicle issues altogether). Basebuilding (didn't improve at all since first implementation), Gun attachments (long range military scope, suppressor for SV98, rail adapters for attachments), Spray paint, Several rifles that were removed and never reintroduced Broken arm bones feature Gun shooting mechanics (didn't improve at all since first implementation) All AKs have same shooting sound Hunting scope quality/damage doesn't affect the lens unlike other scopes. Animals bleeding out when shot. And many more but I think this is a good enough list. Why do I still have to tell my friends "oh it's just DayZ, that's normal" whenever some bug occurs?
  7. DefectiveWater

    DayZ Frostline Dev Blog Week 46

    I think he is talking about loot spawns. Big buildings tend to have really low loot spawns for their size. Chernarus apartments still don't spawn loot. Many industrial buildings spawn only 1 item and usually have no furnishing or any detail to them. I still don't see why AKM is being balanced the way it is now, when it's one of the most produced Russian guns. Even on Sakhal, AKM is somehow a bunker rarity gun, a map based in Russia where AKM should be a common military rifle... "Decent" doesn't cut if after 10+ years of development. Yes I'm harsh but there's no way to justify it anymore. Thank god PC has mods... They released a map that is cold and requires you to make fires to get a heat buff. It's been 6 and a half weeks since release and the heat buff indicator STILL isn't fixed when that's the whole focus of the map... fighting the cold.
  8. DefectiveWater

    Сharacter's starting spawn

    This is a great idea and I've never seen anyone suggest this. I would also remove spawning fruit in the inventory and just give slightly more food so that freshies can't keep respawning to keep eating the fruits for free.
  9. DefectiveWater

    question for those enjoying the update

    While I agree with this (partially, I had a lot of good interactions in sakhal early game) I don't think KOSing is bad. KOSing happens mostly because it's easy to turn on someone and because there is no other threat other than players. Zombies need to be better and shooting a player should require patience (pre-0.63 gunplay) instead of the current quickscoping gameplay where you can just do a 180 and turn on someone. Ammo should also be a scarce resource so that people think twice about shooting someone.
  10. DefectiveWater

    Why Bohemia?

    Clearly you didn't play the old DayZ. I'll be honest, there's way too many crybabies about this. Adapt to the change and move on. I see no missing features in 1.26, it's the same as 1.25 just rebalanced.
  11. DefectiveWater

    Low GPU Usage, poor FPS with 1.26

    Well the only difference that I know of is that 1.26 has a vastly higher render distance (more objects to process and render) so that could result in different framerate, but that's all I know. If the CPU (or game engine) is having trouble due to extra objects then the GPU performance could go down.
  12. DefectiveWater

    Remove Bottle Suppressors and rework actual suppressors.

    I had a comment on here and I went to fix a typo and now my comment is somehow gone... weird.
  13. A lot of the ambient sounds (nature sounds like wind and leaves) in Sakhal have a sound very similar to player footsteps.
  14. DefectiveWater

    Revert the Nerf

    DayZ steak weighs 500 g. 2 steaks equal 1000 grams of meat. 100 grams of beef steak according to google has 134 calories, totaling at 1340 calories for 1000 grams of meat. According to some site on Google: BMR (basal metabolic rate) for women average around 1,400, while BMR for men average between 1,600 and 1,800. What counts towards BMR? basic functions such as breathing, blood circulation, cellular growth, body temperature regulation, hair growth and hormone production. So with those facts, we can conclude that 2 steaks don't provide enough calories for the entire day even while resting. Now add the fact that DayZ characters run basically 24/7. According to google: "On average, running burns between 280 to 520 calories per 30 minutes" That's 560-1040 calories per hour. I'll use the 560 figure even though DayZ characters run quickly even while carrying a lot of weight so it should be higher. Also if we take the timescale into account, let's say that real 4 hours = 24 hours in game and you end up running for 2 real hours (12 ingame hours). 1600 (BMR) + (560 * 12) = 1600 + 6720 = 8320 calories burned, compared to the 1340 calories that 2 steaks give you. Not enough.
  15. DefectiveWater

    Console Update 1.26

    They are aware of the issue and are trying to resolve the issue. It's an issue with texture blending.