Hi guys,
Little bit of background info. I've played DayZ standalone since 2013, have over 1500 hours on my main account , participated in many trading events in the past. Never used / intended to use hacks as I love the thrill that dayz gives me and I cannot find it in any other game.
Anyway, I've been playing DayZ regularly for the past few weeks and everything was fine. However I tried to be cheap and get access to paid software that my girlfriend had bought before but the software was locked to a harddrive serial number. Without much thought I downloaded some sketchy serial number changer that didn't work so I bailed on that and moved on to play DayZ. A few minutes after I got kicked and global banned. I've appealed my ban with battleye but from what I read they take months to get back to you. I removed the program from my computer and tried to login with my girlfriends steam account , just to play for 5 mins and have her account global banned too.
I seen dayZ devs active on here so I'm seeking some help. I've supported the game for so long , I'd appreciate the support back :) Thanks