Hello DayZ team,
I really love your game and been around it since 2013. It had its ups and downs and now is probably in the best possible shape ever BUT it still has some major flaws which are very much ruining our gaming experience. I like the idea of improving Zeds AI and adding content etc but we won't be even able to enjoy what you guys working on. Zombies are being rooted in the nearest texture when the server is full, making them totally useless. The lags or desync if I should put it this way is insane. It's literally trying to shoot a teleporting player. Cheaters and Dupers - I have never seen anyone from the team talking about this and IT IS A MAJOR problem. Why this isn't being discussed or any public statement given? I and many others are trying to prove our points on your forums, Twitter and who knows where else and I'm sure it must be so annoying and frustrating to read it on a daily basis but what else are we supposed to do? Unfortunately, I'm not a Dev so I can't join your team and help you even tho I would love to! But if you still mean it and want to work on the game and make it the best possible game ever in its genre (and you are so very close!), then please listen to the community feedback. Or you just trying to keep it alive so you can milk it till the last player leaves for good? I hope not. I will sum it up for you tl;dr - Please somebody comment regarding the following: 1, Server Performance (lags, desync..) 2, Cheaters - (china mostly), 3, Dupers 4, Cars. Thank you and have a blessed day.