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Everything posted by fl1y

  1. Thank you for a great work! Pls keep the loud crowd of "i want no challenge, gimme lots of food, warm weather and splitting axe" opinion filtered. As always with the feedbacks, people who are happy with the trend and know how games supposed to work mostly don't type on forums.
  2. Can you please explain your thought proccess and reasoning for these changes? Lets pretend the magic has happend, engine limitations have been delt with and now we have twice as many zombies that die to one or two hits. Now every player carries a splitting axe, comes to the town, stands in the doorways of a house making 10 to 20 clicks to deal with a biger pack of zombies coming one by one. What would be the positive side, and how exactly would the game become more fun with that?
  3. There was no diversity in 1.11 and earlier. You literally had zero reasons to shoot them, unless you just want to do it for fun. And the point of any game is to force players into making specific actions. If you give players a choice of an op melee with no downsides, or shooting for fun at the cost of the risk of giving away position, 99% would go for melee. Basically now you have more diversity: you can either shoot them or sneak and backstab them. Or even melee them one by one/two. BTW sledge hammer seems to be almost as effective as it used to be, you can use it at the cost of its weight.
  4. I think it's easy to fantasize of realistic zombies that are dangerous because of how great the AI is. But unfortunately developers are limited with the engine and resources. I'm sure they would be happy to implement some other, more immersive way to deal with the problem, but they can't for now. As for me, i think zs should be more of a "glass cannon" type, dealing a lot of damage (or bleeds) while dying rather fast (still not 1-2 light hits tho). Now you kinda have to shoot them because you feel lazy, not scared, and that's a bit boring. Anyway, i see infected mostly as a way to make players hear each other presence, and thus making more encounters possible, so it's a step in the right direction. Turning infected into real threat would scare away too many players, especially new ones. I loved infected more before the bleeding chance fix. They seemed scary then, but i can see why it got changed.
  5. Erm...yeah, and thats exactly the point of the tweak, to make players shoot infected instead of meleeing them. That is another and separate problem, with no easy solution. I hope they will find a way to fix it too soon
  6. Because otherwise infected are turned (exactly as they used to be) into useless and meaningless game mechanic that can basically be ignored whatsoever maybe?
  7. They have a report form on Spaggie's website for that, you might consider using that instead. Keeping the discord clean of accusations and insinuations seems like a reasonable thing to do.
  8. Honestly i think it is more of a "mental" problem. I play on officials quite alot and give it up quite often too, every time i think i have been killed by a cheater. They certainly exist, but i can't recall the last time i was killed by blatant one. The problem is that most times you just don't know where you got shot from, and since officials are said to have alot of cheaters you automatically assume it. Just think about every time you get a lucky blaze shot from like 400 meters. The guy on the receiving end most likely think you are a cheater as well. Also you can try avoiding full servers, since cheaters are much more likely to pick those. And "extra" 10-20 ppl are probably stuck on the cost anyway.
  9. Spaggies servers come to mind. Not sure about 3pp tho, i never play those
  10. I agree, but for the different reason. Dayz has such a beautiful sound design. Wind, birds in forests, rivers and even rains sound so cool and atmospheric. But you just can not enjoy it, because all you hear is your own damned footsteps sound all the time.
  11. Yeah. Now when even huge splitting axe doesn't kill a zombie with one hit, we need a thing that does and barely weights anything, takes no inventory space, and even doesn't require switching weapons for balance. Sounds totally reasonable.
  12. I would rather say it went from "a reason to avoid melee infected" to "just a rare additional click to bandage". I'm confused with the notes too. But the day before the tweak i had to make 3 heavy hits with a hammer to kill a z and now only two.
  13. Seems like bleed chance is way too low now. They got me to red health, but with no bleeds at some point. Tried hammer, works like a charm
  14. So did we just turn from making infected taugh to nerfing them to the ground? Started a new freshy today. Meleed like 10 zs in packs of 1-3 with fists and got a grand total of one, ONE bleed. They also seem to die a lot quicker. Feels like they are much less of a threat even comparing to 1.11. After how much fun i had in 1.12 the last couple of days it's just a terrible dissapointment. Feels like we are going back to survival game with basicly no survival element.
  15. Only had this problem with my first char on 1.12. As soon as you stop trying to melee them with bare hands and remind yourself heavy attacks with weapons are still in the game the problem is completely gone
  16. Damn i was hoping people would eventially consider shooting infected and go look for some silenced guns before rushing to NWAF, thus making more interactions and importantly more diverce interactions in unexpected places possible. But seems like infected were still not dangerous enough and now there will be no reason to bother at all.
  17. fl1y

    Stable Update 1.11

    Official servers feel so much warmer now. I mean i can run in the heavy rain with hardly any low absorbency cloathes and not get cold at all. Temperature buff seems totally useless now. Is it intended to be this way? Patch notes say nothing about weather system change. Combined with how much food drops from infected survival aspect feels gone even in early game.