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Everything posted by Jaleno

  1. Jaleno

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    I give people the 10 second rule on the coast, announce you're friendly or you're dead. Simple as that. I've been shot by too many survivors to trust people anymore, it is only a select few who are usually chatting on side for awhile, or people in a position of power over me that I will group up with.
  2. Jaleno

    1.5.7 Loot spawn still broken?

    I can confirm this, found next to nothing but bags in elek..
  3. It would run terribly, sorry to say :/
  4. For starters, the 1.5.7 patch is AWESOME! Buuut... when your player is chased by zombies and say, you run into a building to slow them down, he emits this whining, freaking out sort of sound. I'm all for having this sound maybe at the initial contact with zombies in a confrontation, however, it repeats endlessly if you are eliminating a horde of zeds. It breaks the immersion a little having this guttural sound playing every second.. Pretty minor change but it can be a little annoying.
  5. Numerous ways posted above.. It is 10x easier to just sneak by by making distractions, there is a reason there are 10x more zombies now..
  6. Just a suggestion, make a donation tab on the website? I for sure would dish out some skrilla :)
  7. Jaleno

    How populated is this Mod?

    Very much worth the price, I don't regret my purchase one bit :)
  8. I agree it would be fun with no zombies.. However, zombies at their former levels were too sick, the threat of firing at another player in a city was thrilling..
  9. Jaleno

    Food and water being used offline

    Wasn't aware of this.. But I agree, it is unfair to many users..
  10. Jaleno

    The Horde ( in-game story)

    Was tempted to say still a better love..... But good story nonetheless, had similar experiences where I DON'T get shot. Good luck to your next meeting with a stranger :)
  11. Could not agree less :/ Zombies in their fast form result in a much more fairer city experience. When you come face to face with a bandit or another player, sometimes they will not shoot each other in fear that a horde will come barreling down on them. I would even like zombies to move more quickly in houses to reiterate that.
  12. Jaleno

    The Importance of CHKilroy

    Not to be rude, but seriously? How about the importance of the Dev team.. Give credit where credit is due. Yes people making youtube videos showcase the mod, but when brilliance of this calibre generates this mod, it will gain recognition almost no matter what.
  13. Jaleno

    Map is too big?

    One of the more ignorant posts to date.. Suck it up, seriously.. The amount of griping about trivial stuff like this is really beginning to bother me. Yes the zombie spawn is a little weird at the moment, but this is still an ALPHA mod. I don't mean to shoot you down, but live a little bud :/ The devs are working very hard at the moment.
  14. Jaleno

    IF this was an actual game...

    Standalone purchase or dlc pack for Arma 3.
  15. Jaleno

    Something Needs Changing

    I recently started playing this game, yesterday. From what I've learned so far, there should be NO changes in terms of helping newer players, in terms of a safe zone etc. A legit guide on the forums would be very helpful, however, this game is all about trial and error. You die, you learn from it. You rush into a difficult area, you go in more carefully next time. Give the game time, it really grows on you. =)
  16. I disagree with the OP, fog adds atmosphere into the game. Not only does it eliminate griefing snipers, it adds a whole level to zombie apocalypse. Traveling in cities is 10x scarier due to the fear of the unknown, you really don't know what is out there..
  17. Commenting just to get more traffic, this is crazy bad..
  18. I think it would be really awesome if there was the ability to spawn on someone who has a character who has been alive for less than 5 minutes or so. There could be a list of people who have been alive for under the amount of time and you would click on that player and attempt to spawn on them. On the other player's end, they could either type in /accept or a click okay (detail isn't too important here). This is very much a general concept that could be impossible and improbable, but it would make starting out with a friend much, much easier.
  19. Jaleno

    Ability to spawn on new player

    Just a note here, only if a player had a lifespan of UNDER 5 minutes would they be able to be spawned on. Or perhaps even less. The only purpose for spawning would be to allow groups which could be capped on how many people could spawn on a certain player. Again, this is very improbable and most likely will not get implemented and it is more so an idea rather than something necessary to the game. Thanks for the responses though! I always like feedback :)
  20. Jaleno

    3 Different Models

    Note: I am very new to the Arma II scene and even newer to Day Z so pardon my ignorance 3 player models Newbie: New to the game, hasn't killed anyone or helped anyone Good Guy: Has only killed bandits and has helped people Bad Guy(Bandit): has killed Newbies and/or Good Guys I am not aware of the number of character models that can use backpacks but if a system like this was in place it would be much easier to identify friendlies amid the pkers.
  21. Jaleno

    Dedicated button for "Don`t shoot" sign

    I agree absolutely with this! +1