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Everything posted by Jaleno

  1. Hmm I was under the impression that you would not be able to spawn at all after dying past the cap... Strange... However this has happened to me many times in
  2. I tried to agree with you at first, but this ultimately would be extremely unfair. When a survivor runs toward me and keeps running, I do not know his intentions, he could be coming towards me to get a better shot, or perhaps, he is merely an imbecile.. The game cannot determine who tried to kill who first, or whether someone was aiming their gun at you before you killed them. Cannot agree with this one, when you have NVG's and a lot of good equipment, if they aim their gun at you for more than a second they're dead..
  3. Jaleno

    What I feel Day Z is missing

    A crafting system sure would be sweet, and even possible.. I feel that this game is moving more and more towards something similar to this, with reference with starting fires and repairing vehicles.. A leveling system would be sweet, but only if you reset to level 1 upon death, creating a bigger need to stay alive.
  4. Great idea, felt like there should have been a "nothing" option under what you dislike most about Day Z :P +1
  5. Jaleno

    Problem re-entering a game.

    The character creation is broken at the moment, http://twitter.com/#!/dayzdevteam should be fixed soon! edit: ninjad ^ =d
  6. Jaleno

    Improving gaming experience

    Not a chance, this is a realism mod (I stress that greatly) but that's what makes this game fun, and the value of life so high.
  7. Jaleno

    Bandages Broken?

    I don't understand.. how hard is it to download the RIGHT files.. It says exactly which ones to dl on the changelog..
  8. Jaleno

    Performance Drop; Hotfix

    Confirmed here as well, steady 45 - 60 fps -> 20 - 35 Please fix asap :)
  9. Jaleno


    They aren't ingame yet, bandits stay till thursday or so I've heard.
  10. Jaleno


    Common issue, reinstall ALL Day Z files. If that doesn't work, unlucky bud :/
  11. Jaleno

    Are they taking away Bandits?

    Lootable skins > Bandit system, end of discussion.
  12. Scrubcityyy, how does preying on nubs make you elite? Their cannon fodder.. Try hunting people in the north, now that is challenging.
  13. Jaleno

    New Patch

    Read the changelog, it's with the rest of the files.
  14. MOAR ZOMBIES! I honestly want as many zeds as possible, the allure of shooting someone in a city is too large right now. The consequence of firing a gun in a city should be 50+ zeds I feel..
  15. Jaleno

    Insurmountable Odds

    Zeds are supposedly supposed to investigate player deaths, maybe they are also investigating zed deaths? :p Most likely more zeds spawning when you're shooting however..
  16. Jaleno

    Build 1.5.8 rolling update

    I didn't see any update on the changelog, which new files do I download?
  17. All credit goes to creator, and thanks to reddit finding this.. Moderator Edit: I am not sure if this is allowed or not, the original thread is gone so I'll leave it removed until further notice.
  18. Jaleno

    Any Admins online?

    You guys are being assholes: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=1275 scroll down and read..
  19. Jaleno

    Ruining ARMA 2?

    HAHAHAHAHA you have got to be kidding me... Alright, you played arma 2 before I did.. Sure maybe that makes you a hipster, but who the fuck cares? If you like arma 2, play arma 2.. Who the fuck are you to disallow people to play Day Z? And people that go rogue and play a call off duty-esque game are 10x less careful and therefore much easier to kill.. IF you play this game like arma 2 is meant to be played, then you wouldn't be posting here.. END OF RANT
  20. Note: this is only a suggestion for REGULAR server, not hardcore. Ever seen a survivor or a bandit, and typed, "[insert username here] are you friendly?". The majority of users will respond but for those who do not read the chat message, they do not realize that they are about to be shot out of fear/safety. What I am suggesting is to implement an option when you have your cursor on someone (seeing their name) and move your mouse wheel to a "Warn Player" which will show red text either on the left side where the chat bar is, or the bottom of the screen (if possible) saying "[player who issued warning] is warning you", or something of that nature. Any thoughts or criticism is welcomed/encouraged. =)
  21. ahahahah same can be said for english speaking people joining russian servers.. Don't feed the troll however..
  22. Jaleno

    Save issues?

    I have experienced the so-called rollback every spawn in the last few days... EXCEPT for one time today, where I changed my spawn. I now resort to only that spawn when I die/log off :( Please fix this asap devs, it really sucks when you spend a lot of time playing only to rollback.. Not griping, just keeps setting me back :P
  23. Oh no you can't play an alpha mod due to extreme server traffic. Join the club, quit whining and deal with it.
  24. Jaleno

    Possible Huey Bug

    You need literally 100-200 jerry cans to refuel, so I've heard..